
Inclusion at the ETSETB



The UPC is committed to guaranteeing the inclusion of people. Especially, supporting students with educational support needs (NSE), due to disability or special educational needs. The Inclusion Office attends to students with physical, visual, auditory, multiple disabilities, developmental disorders (dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, ASD), mental health disorders, chronic or acute illnesses. It also makes psychological well-being services available to students to help them maintain good emotional and mental health.

More information


Psychological Wellness

We provide you with services to help you achieve good emotional and mental health.

As a university student, you can request psychological counseling through the university school insurance.  More information

Introducing the Meetups: a meeting place to improve the emotional well-being of ETSETB students with the aim of providing tools and resources to prevent and reduce anxiety and stress




Academic Adaptation

At ETSETB, the person responsible for inclusion is Professor Sandra Bermejo. In case the student considers that he is in a situation that requires an academic adaptation in his school studies, he must follow the steps indicated below.

Procedure to request academic adaptation at the ETSETB: