Student associations

In this section, you will find all the student associations that are part of the ETSETB. We invite you to take a look and participate, as it is a great way to experience university life while sharing interests and hobbies with other students.

You can consult the Regulation for the Registration of UPC Associations through the following link.

In the Omega building of the UPC North Campus, you will find La Casa de l’Estudiant, where most of the student associations on the North Campus are located.

Among them, the Delegation of Telecommunications Students (DAT) holds a prominent place. It brings together all the representatives of the school's students in the different governing bodies of both the ETSETB and the UPC. Feel free to contact them if you have any questions; they are always ready to help you with whatever you need.

The student associations of ETSETB

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Non-profit association that organizes one of the most important university music festivals in the country: Telecogresca. It is responsible for organizing the competition for emerging bands and DJs called Engresca't, the Telecofarra, and the "Festa de dia" (ETSETB).

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Fòrum Telecos

Association that organizes the Telecos Forum, an event held annually to bring the professional and business world closer to the students of ETSETB.

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ESN UPC Barcelona

Multicultural association that promotes the social and personal integration of all international students at UPC. We are a great team of volunteers that organizes activities and trips throughout the semester related to culture, social tasks, mentoring, and leisure for exchange students.

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The Association of University Students for Cooperation aims to collaborate with other NGOs and carry out international and local cooperation projects in the technological field.

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AESS Estudiants

The Aerospace and Electronics System Society is dedicated to studying topics related to technology, electronics, and telecommunications. It organizes workshops and the national robot competition.

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IEEE Barcelona

The student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Barcelona is located on the North Campus, and they work every day in the field of electronics and new technologies.

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BEST Barcelona

Do you want to explore Europe? Do you enjoy challenges? Would you like to learn while practicing English? BEST offers you great opportunities to travel, learn, take courses, and make friends at the same time.

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Taller de So

Association dedicated to the world of audio and technology, especially in its most practical aspect: live music sound engineering.

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IAESTE Telecos Barcelona

The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience is an international organization whose purpose is the exchange of university students wishing to gain technical experience related to their studies abroad.

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Association responsible for producing the magazine for Telecommunications students, and arguably the best university magazine in Catalonia. It is published four times a year with a circulation of around 400 copies.

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Club Esportiu Telecos

Association that aims to facilitate students' participation in any sport, both team and individual, throughout the academic year in university competitions.

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Club Rugby UPC

Association with the aim of promoting the practice of rugby among all UPC students, specifically those in the field of telecommunications.

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Linux UPC

It is the first association of GNU/Linux at UPC. Its objective is to promote awareness of the best operating system in the environment.

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GreyHat UPC

Association dedicated to topics related to cybersecurity, computing, and hacker culture.

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The Association of Digital Video Editing brings theory and practical cinematography closer to UPC students in collaboration with professionals and young creators.

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Ràdio ART

Association that founded and operates the radio for university students broadcasting on the internet. The intention is to create a new means of communication among all those in the university community: students, associations, professors...