Seminars for Masters MATT, MET and MEE
General information
Seminars are short intensive courses of 2,5 ECTS credits. This represents 62,5 hours of work load for the student which include 20 hours of class.
Seminars are short intensive courses of 3 ECTS credits. This represents 75 hours of work load for the student which include 24 hours of class.
Seminars take place after exams period on late January or late June and they are counted as elective courses.
Courses are taught in English.
Students are allowed to register only one seminar per semester
Ordinary period: Seminars only are to be enroled in the normal enrolment period, together with the rest of the subjects of the semester.
Extraordinary period : As of the 2021-22 academic year, there is no longer an extraordinary period for seminar enrollment, they must be enrolled in the ordinary period.
230378 - Big GNSS data: from Remote Sensing to Space Weather
230382 - Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT)
230383 - Alternative computing strategies with emerging nanoelectronic devices
230385 - Integrated satellite-terrestrial communications for 6g
230386 - The way to 6g: future trends in mobile communications
230986 - Hands-on Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence
230989 - Hardware security in embedded systems. Primitives, weaknesses and countermeasures