
Prices and grants (Masters)

General information. Prices 

The prices for enrollment and university services are set by the Catalonian government and the Social Council of the UPC. At the following link, you will find the information about these prices, as well as about the grants offered.

Enrollment prices for ETSETB Masters( Official digital fees, multilingual or in English, certificate downloadable by clicking this link)

As a master's degree student you can apply for Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) grants to cover credits enrolled for the first time and if your income and academic performance make you eligible. You can also apply for EQUITAT grants from Catalonian government, if you are a student of a qualifying master's degree.

Options for students with a scholarship from the Ministerio de Educación who want to register a bachelor’s degree and a master's degree at the same time (only available in Catalan and Spanish).