Projectes Avançats d'Enginyeria realitzats per estudiants
En el setè quadrimestre, podràs cursar l’assignatura de Projecte Avançat d’Enginyeria. En aquesta assignatura, els estudiants desenvolupen al llarg d’un quadrimestre un projecte d’enginyeria complex proposat per una empresa o centre d'investigació, que requereix treballar en equip dins d’un grup d'entre 6 i 10 estudiants amb la supervisió de professorat de l'escola.
A continuació hi ha alguns exemples dels projectes que han estat desenvolupats en els darrers cursos, classificats per mencions. Alguns projectes són interdisciplinaris i requereixen participació d'estudiants de diverses mencions.
WirED - FTTH/LTE access network: Complete Design of the future access network of Manresa area
Estudis comunicació en globus a l'estratosfera
StratoCom - Cost Effective communication payloads in Stratospheric Balloons
Alta velocitat
WirED - FTTH/LTE access network: Complete Design of the future access network of El Vendrell area
Impressores gran format
Hewlett Packard - Next Generation Printers: Improvement of several features in large-format printer sensors
RADiCal: High Resolution Imaging Radar Systems and Services. System for Slope Stability Retrieval and Sky Detection Security
3Cat-NXT Project: Phase A study for a 6U multi-spectral optical mission performed for ICGC
3Cat-ABS Android Beyond the Stratosphere: Distributed Satellite System
Impressores gran format
Hewlett Packard - Next Generation Printers: Improvement of several features in large-format printer sensors
3Cat-NXT Project: Phase A study for a 6U multi-spectral optical mission performed for ICGC
Ficosa - Tow, Crash and Rollover Detection
3Cat-ABS Android Beyond the Stratosphere: Distributed Satellite System
Estudis comunicació en globus a l'estratosfera
StratoCom - Cost Effective communication payloads in Stratospheric Balloons
Trencadís: Portable Non Destructive Testing (NDT) equipment to determine the health of trencadís of Sagrada Familia temple
RADiCal: High Resolution Imaging Radar Systems and Services. System for Slope Stability Retrieval and Sky Detection Security
Aplicació de l'Internet of Things a la Indústria
Everis - Indoor Location
Alta velocitat
WirED - FTTH/LTE access network: Complete Design of the future access network of Manresa area
Comerç electrònic
Minsait (Indra) - Being able of, through the image of a product, performing searches in eCommerce and Marketplaces of that product and similar products offering a comparison in price and availability.
Alta velocitat
WirED - FTTH/LTE access network: Complete Design of the future access network of El Vendrell area
3Cat-NXT Project: Phase A study for a 6U multi-spectral optical mission performed for ICGC
3Cat-ABS Android Beyond the Stratosphere: Distributed Satellite System
Estudis comunicació en globus a l'estratosfera
StratoCom - Cost Effective communication payloads in Stratospheric Balloons
Aplicacions mòbils
Catchoom-based Mobile App with on device recognition: PhooDi, product identification and augmented through image recognition
Trencadís: Portable Non Destructive Testing (NDT) equipment to determine the health of trencadís of Sagrada Familia temple
Control vehicles
Automatic Control of Vehicles at UPC Campus Nord Parking
CaixaBank - Smart Bots for Banking
Aplicació de l'Internet of Things a la Indústria
Everis - Indoor Location
Plataformes digitals per a l'esport
Mediapro - Digital Board: Automatic detection system of events in a sports match and automatic marking on the image to improve the match reviews in sports broadcasts
King - Creation of a library of software for Android and iOS that allows, through the use of smartphone camera and facial recognition technologies, performing a parameterization of the player's features and use those parameters to create a model of the game character that is an approximation of the player.
Impressores gran format
Hewlett Packard - Next Generation Printers: Improvement of several features in large-format printer sensors
Aplicacions mòbils
Catchoom-based Mobile App with on device recognition: PhooDi, product identification and augmented through image recognition
RADiCal: High Resolution Imaging Radar Systems and Services. System for Slope Stability Retrieval and Sky Detection Security
Programes intel·ligents
FITD: A Matlab-based application that generates a spoken description of an image in multiple languages
Processament imatge
MirrorAid: Software application based on image and video processing to aid the rehabilitation of facial paralysis after facial nerve injury
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu - Automatic analysis of infant sleep structure
Comerç electrònic
Minsait (Indra) - Being able of, through the image of a product, performing searches in eCommerce and Marketplaces of that product and similar products offering a comparison in price and availability.
Trencadís: Portable Non Destructive Testing (NDT) equipment to determine the health of trencadís of Sagrada Familia temple
Estudis comunicació en globus a l'estratosfera
StratoCom - Cost Effective communication payloads in Stratospheric Balloons
Control vehicles
Automatic Control of Vehicles at UPC Campus Nord Parking
Plataformes digitals per a l'esport
Mediapro - Digital Board: Automatic detection system of events in a sports match and automatic marking on the image to improve the match reviews in sports broadcasts
King - Creation of a library of software for Android and iOS that allows, through the use of smartphone camera and facial recognition technologies, performing a parameterization of the player's features and use those parameters to create a model of the game character that is an approximation of the player.