
Application and procedure


Students from universities in other countries or other regions can perform an exchange for academic purposes at ETSETB within different mobility programs.

In order to perform an exchange program at ETSETB, there must be a bilateral agreement within the ETSETB and your home university.

Then you must be selected by your home university to do an exchange at ETSETB. Your home university is to inform by email to about the details of the students selected:

  • name and surnames
  • nationality
  • date of birth
  • email address
  • level of studies (bachelor or master)
  • field of study
  • semester or semesters of the stay (one semester, two semesters, double degree)

Aplication and Requirements

Academic requirements

  • Minimum 120 ECTS completed before the beginning of classes of your mobility stay (you can count credits which you are still studying now and you are going to pass just before coming to our School). We set this requirement, because we do not offer courses of the 1st and 2nd year of bachelor for mobility students.

  • Minimum credits completed to have access to master courses. You will have access to some master courses if you are going to have completed 150 ECTS before the beginning of classes, and the offer will increase if your credits completed are successively 180, 210, 240, etc. You must count your credits completed including both bachelor and master years (you can count credits which you are still studying now and you are going to pass just before coming to our School).

Language requirements

(you can provide certification after application, as long as you do so before the beginning of classes)

    • We offer courses in English
        • Master level (we will request you a B2 level of English for courses).
        • Undergraduate level (we will request you a B2 level of English for courses).
    • We offer courses in Spanish/Catalan (we will request you a B1 level of Spanish or Catalan for courses)
    • For Final Degree Thesis (Bachelor or Master thesis) or Research Assignment, B2 level of English or Spanish.
How to demonstrate B2 level of English:
  • Your mother tongue is English.
  • You have studied in an English-speaking country (for at least one semester).
  • You have taken an academic university programme taught in English (for at least one semester).
  • You hold a European Higher Education Area degree that includes English Level B2.
  • You hold one of the following English language certificates:

- Cambridge: FCE
- TOEFL PBT: >= 567; CBT: >= 227; IBT: >= 87
- IELTS: 5.5
- TOEIC: 750
- Escuela Oficial de Idiomas: Certificado de nivel avanzado (Level 5)

Application link and procedure

    Application Link: Fill the on-line application link:


      • Register at the application. Non-European citizens have to write the Passport number in the application. European citizens have to write either Identifier number UE (ID card) or Passport. Don't choose "DNI/NIF" if you are not Spanish and don't choose "Identity card" eigher.
      • Fill in personal details. Complete all the fields:
        • Write your given name at the field "name" and your family name and the field "surname".
        • At address during academic year write down your current postal address. When you have one in Barcelona, you will write it at the students' application later on.
        • Upload the documents listed at the section "documents" of this page.
      • Fill in academic details. Complete all the fields:
        • University degrees. Details of all your university degrees. If you haven't completed any, write the estimated obtaining year date at the corresponding field.
        • Languages (teaching language of the courses you will select).
      • Electronic documentation: at "electronic documentation" (in "academic details") upload the mandatory documents listed below in this page.
      • Select program:You need to:
        1. Select Application for exchange students at the drop-down menu "program type".
        2. Once there, choose one the following program at the drop-down menu "name":
          • 230MOB - ETSETB - DEGREE MOBILITY PROGRAM (Barcelona) either if you are a bachelor or master student.
      • Send application: The button will not appear if there is any field missing to complete. The whole process is free of charge. If at some moment you are required to pay, that means that you haven't selected the option "exchange students" and you must go back to step 1.
      • Comments and application's status: It is necessary to check the messages periodically in the application system as we will inform you of the application’s status. You can check your application status through the online application system. Remember:
      • Pending: the application is not corrected or is processing.
      • Confirmed (to be resolved): the application has been checked and we are processing it. One day after this validation, the student will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to access a new platform and choose the courses to follow. From that platform, the student will be able to issue the learning agreement.
      • Admitted: the student has been admitted and he/she can perform the exchange. We will change the student to this status when the learning agreement is signed by all parts.
      • Check your email and your spam tray during the whole process! We and other UPC units will send you different emails during the process, and it sometimes happens that students are not aware during months and miss important notifications from us.
      • Select courses and have provisional learning agreement signed. See section about courses below.
      • Accept admission. Once admitted (after signature of learning agreement), you must enter again the application and click on the "accept" button.
      • Activate your e-secretaria. One week after our acceptation of admission, you will have a new username and passwore as UPC student. Please complete the Authorisations (RGPD) section and the details as explained in the first pages of the following pdf, in order to activate it: Information after admission and before arrival. And also prepare the documents before arrival (insurance certificate form your insurance company, etc), that are also explained at the pdf and at the section "Documents" of this page.

    Admission letter. non EU students

      • When your application is admitted, you can request to us the admission letter, in case you need it.
      • If you are a non EU student, please contact the central mobility office of the UPC () for any doubt according to your legal status during your whole stay in Barcelona, because you will probably have to do further steps in this sense immediately after your arrival to Barcelona. You can also contact the consulate or embassy in your country.
        And in case you are a non EU citizen but are now studying in another European Union university, please contact at least three months before your arrival to know the options about your legality in Spain.



    From the beginning of the application period, you will be able to do a selection and have your learning agreement signed (which is needed before the end of the application deadline). Nevertheless, although we do our best efforts, there may be last minute changes that force you to do changes in your selection. Changes may be made until the end of the first week of classes.

    Timetables won't probably be ready until the end of the applicaton deadline; the classes timetables you can see at the application tool are the ones of last course and there will be changes.

    Being the number of places reserved for exchange students limited in some courses, these places will be allocated according to the order of your selection.

    We understand the difficulties this uncertainty means for some of the students, who need to do specific courses, so we have to duly inform you to make sure all our incoming students have a good experience at ETSETB school.

    Courses offer, internal tool of selection, requirements

    After we confirm your application (step above), you will have access to an internal tool of selection of courses. Tou can see at the following public link the information you will have at that tool. The tool will not show you all the courses. It will filter them according to your application profile:

    Bear in mind the following information that you can see beside or below each of the course, and some of them can also be filtered:

    • Language: Spanish and English.
    • Requirement of credits. Under each course there is the requirement of credits you must have completed in your previous university studies (considering both bachelor and master courses) by the beginning of classes in Barcelona.*
    • Knowledge requirements. On the right you will find the knowledge requirements (if any
    • Contents of the course. you will find the contents on the right of the course as well
    * To use the internal tool of selection of courses, remember you will have to write the ECTS credits you expect to have passed by the beginning of classes. When setting this number, keep in mind that it is referred to the total amount of bachelor + master credits! That way, the tool will show you the courses for which you have passed the required ECTS.

    Classes timetables, exams calendar and teaching calendar

    IMPORTANT: Timetables and calendar 24-25 will be updated at the end or after fall application period. When you select courses in the tool of selection of courses, you can see the corresponding schedules of 23-24. We will inform you when the schedules are updated with current year. Timetables of 24-25 have already been updated and published

    • Final exams calendar 24-25:
      IMPORTANT: exams date and time cannot be changed, so you must make sure your selected courses do not overlap in final exams
      Telecommunication, Electronics and Physics. Examination dates of Telecommunication, Electronics and Physics. Photonics courses For Photonics courses (code 2305..), see this link: Photonics timetables and exams (selecting the correct academic year at the left).
      Courses in Bachelor in Data Science (we only offer 2 of these courses per semester; their code begins by 270---): Final exams Bachelor in Data science

    • Classes timetables 24-25
      Telecommunication, Electronics and Physics. You can use the tool To use this tool, you must choose the semester at the pull down menu called "Curs/Semestre" (tardor=Fall and Spring=primavera).. Then write the code of the courses chosen at the box "Assignatura" (if any pop-up opens, just close it). You have an explanation with screenshots, about some details of the schedules at the pdf before the mobility after admission.
      Photonics courses (their code begins by 2305--) see this link: Photonics timetables and exams (selecting the correct academic year at the left). These courses usually overlap with the ones of the rest of study plans. On the other hand, in 2023-2024 the ones of the 1st block take place in the UAB (Bellaterra), which is approx. one hour distance by public transport from ETSETB school.
      Courses in Bachelor in Data Science (we only offer 2 of these courses per semester; their code begins by 270---): Timetables Bachelor in Data Science
      Seminar -intensive courses
      (their code normally begins with 2303-- and they have 2, 2,5 or 3 ECTS). Note that most of them take place after the normal exams, during a few days at the end of the course. you can see their beginning and end dates here: Bachelor intensive courses (Fall / Spring); Master intensive courses (Fall / Spring)
      Master in cybersecurity courses are NOT offered for incoming students.

    • Teaching calendar 24-25.
      Beginning of classes Fall semester
       (recommended to come one week before):
      - September, 13, 2023 (for most courses)
      - September, 6, 2023 (for courses of bachelor in Physics Eng.)
      - Intensive courses take place the last days of January 2024
      Christmas holidays From December, 23, 2023 to January, 7, 2024
      End of exams period Fall semester:
      - January, 20, 2023 (for most courses)
      - January, 24, 2023 for courses of bachelor in Physics Eng.
      - Courses of the second block of Master in Photonics end by mid February
      Annual stays:
      If your stay is annual, the end of the academic year is expected to be on the last final exam or intensive course in June, 2024

    Types of courses

    • Project courses: If you choose to do a project course, you must find a supervisor at ETSETB before arriving. The possibilities of project courses are explained at the end of this page
    • Photonics courses. Difficulty to combine with the rest (see above "classes timetables").
    • Seminar-intensive courses. Courses that take place at the end of the semester (see above "classes timetables").
    • Courses of the Master in Cybersecurity are NOT OFFERED for incoming students.
    • Rest of courses.

    Double degree students:

    If you are nominated to perform a double degree, you will have to contact the Head of Masters (, in order to be guided through the programme. After your programme has been decided, you will have to follow the normal process described above.


    Documents on application

    When the application process (before being admitted):

    During the application process, upload the following documents at the application tool


    Documents after application and before arrival

    Before arrival, after the application process:

    Before you come to our office (at least one week before), we will need you to upload the following documents at the application tool. 

    IMPORTANT: If you can't find the "electronic documentation" link at "Academic Details" item, that probably is because you already have access to your e-secretaria (students' platform) and  the link redirects you to it. In order to change to the application tool, you must do the following: copy this link, log off, and then choose "Students' admission". 


    Compulsory visit face-to-face before classes (ETSETB welcome session)

    You have to visit us face-to-face mandatorily before classes, so that we can sign your certificate of arrival and give you the UPC card. This visit should be made on the ETSETB Welcome session (link here), with your:

    Once we have checked that you have come personally and that all the documents of the above sections are uploaded at the application tool, you will be able to have:

    If you come after the ETSETB welcome session, you can have a prior appointment.

    PRIOR APPOINTMENT: You will be able to take the prior appointment for your arrival here: It will be available a few days before September (Autumn) or February (Spring).

    WHERE WE ARE AFTER THE WELCOME SESSION: Building B3 (2 floors above Plaza Telecos): Here you have a map of the campus: Map .



    Enrolment will be made by ETSETB school, after the application deadline, according to your selection at our internal tool of selection of courses. We will let you know when it is made, and you will be able to check it at your e-secretaria.

    Changes in courses:

    You may need to request for changes of your selection, either before or after enrolment, due to different reasons (overlapping classes, last minute changes in our offer, etc).


    • Use the "allegations" button at the internal tool
    • Select at the field "subject changes" the courses you wish to add and the courses you wish to remove.
    • Write all the petitions in one single request
    • The courses that have run out of places are also selectable, so that we can see if anything can be done. We will see, together with the rest of requests, which changes we can make.
    • you can add alternative courses to your request, to have more choices. In that case, select them by preference order and state at the free text how many total credits you wish to do (around 30 is the normal workload for one semester).
    • Enrolment changes can be requested from mid July (Autumn)/ mid January (Spring) until the end of the first week of classes. After that period, we will need the written allowance of the professors involved to do any changes. More information here: Information after admission an before classes.
    • After March, 31 (spring semester) or October, 31 (fall semester), you cannot remove any course, except from intensive courses, that can be removed until one week before the beginning of classes.
    • Autumn 2023:
      • Request: From June 16 to September, 15, 2023 (we will close in August for Summer holidays).

    Deadlines and calendar


    Nomination deadline 2024-2025

    • Nominations for the Autumn semester: 1st May 2024
    • Nominations for the Spring semester: 1st November 2024

    Application deadline 2024-2025

      • Applications for the Autumn semester: 1st April 2024 to 1st June 2024*
      • Applications for the Spring semester: 1st October 2024 to 1st December 2024*
    * The process should be finished within this period, and it takes at least 2 weeks, so you should start well in advance.

    Date of arrival AT ETSETB:

    • We recommend you to come at least one week before the beginning of classes. Here you have the Teaching calendar for the different ETSETB study plans: ETSETB teaching calendar. Classes are planned to be face to face.
    The dates for the different welcome activities (UPC Orientation week, ETSETB welcome meeting and welcome week of the Erasmus Student Network) are at the next paragraph

    Calendar and timetable

      • See the section of "courses" in this page.

    Enrolment changes

      • See the section "enrolment" in this page.

    Welcome activities

    Here you have the information on Welcome activities: Welcome activities information.

    As explained above, the face-to-face visit to the B3 building (independently of the attendance to classes) is compulsory so that we can sign your certificate of arrival and give you the UPC card. This visit should be made on the ETSETB Welcome session.

    Upon departure


      • Certificate of attendance: It is necessary to request it at International Office before leaving.
      • Transcript of records: It will be sent by the International Office to your home university at the end of your stay.
      • Survey: We will be glad to have your opinion to improve our work.

    Project courses

    Final thesis. Bachelor (18 ECTS) or Master (30 ECTS)

    Final degree project of bachelor and master are research projects monitored by a professor that summarizes the knowledge achieved during the study plan. Defence at ETSETB is mandatory:
    1. Search for acceptation by an ETSETB supervisor:
    • Nomination, application, selection of course (steps explained above).
    • Choose a topic:
      • Be accepted by a professor of ETSETB:
        • The student contacts the professor of the topic chosen (by e-mail)
        • The professor sends an e-mail of acceptation to . (in case he/she accepts the student).
        • Sign learning agreement (which must be issued at the platform of selection of courses)


        2. Enrolment

        The school will enrol the student before his/her arrival if he/she has fulfilled the necessary steps.

        3. Request for examination committee, deposit of the report and defence at ETSETB:

        In order to be qualified, the student needs to do a public defence before an ETSETB committee. The procedure, both for master and bachelor, is explained in steps 3, 4 and 5 of the following link: Procedure and schedule for examination committee, deposit and defence.

        You have the schedule and the Intranet sites involved at the beginning of the link. As for steps 1 and 2, (allocation of thesis and the enrolment), you have to follow the ones explained at the current page, above; the ones at the link are for regular students.

        Research assignment (12 ECTS). For bachelor students

        Research assignment is a research project of bachelor monitored by a professor, which will give the student a qualification after its completion.

        1. Search for acceptation by an ETSETB supervisor:
          • Nomination, application, selection of course (research assignment with ECTS assigned to them). The student must do these steps explained at the beginning of this webpage.
          • Choose a topic: The student must search for a topic for their research assignment. To check the list of project proposals, students must subscribe to the following RSS:
                • Be accepted by a professor of ETSETB:
                  • The student will contact the professor of the topic chosen (by e-mail)
                  • The professor must accept the student.
                  • The professor must send an e-mail of acceptation to . The student must make sure this e-mail is sent.
                  • Sign learning agreement (which must be issued at the platform of selection of courses)

            2. Enrolment
            The school will enrol the student before his/her arrival if he/she has fulfilled the necessary steps.

            3. Qualification:
            After the project has been performed, the professor gives a qualification to the student.

            Introduction to research (5 to 15 ECTS). For master students

            Introduction to research is a research project of master monitored by a professor, which will give the student a qualification after its completion

            1. Search for acceptation by an ETSETB supervisor:
            • Nomination, application, selection of course (Introduction to research are courses with ECTS assigned to them). The student must do these steps explained at the beginning of this webpage.
            • Choose a topic: The student must search for a topic for their research assignment. To check the list of project proposals, students must subscribe to the following RSS:
              • Be accepted by a professor of ETSETB:
                • The student will contact the professor of the topic chosen (by e-mail)
                • The professor must accept the student.
                • The professor must send an e-mail of acceptation to . The student must make sure this e-mail is sent.
                • Sign learning agreement (which must be issued at the platform of selection of courses)

                2. Enrolment
                The school will enrol the student before his/her arrival if he/she has fulfilled the necessary steps.

                3. Qualification:
                After the project has been performed, the professor gives a qualification to the student.