Company awards and scholarships

The Company Awards and Scholarships are those granted by companies and organizations with the aim of rewarding and recognizing the effort, dedication, and talent of the best students at ETSETB-UPC.

From ETSETB-UPC, we want to thank all the effort made by collaborating entities and sponsors, rewarding these students, allowing complementary training activities, and the professional integration of students and graduates.

The list of Company Awards and Scholarships may be modified at any time during the academic year by sponsoring companies, both in terms of increasing the number of awards to be granted or their total or partial cancellation, as well as any other modification that may occur. If any of these situations occur, ETSETB will not be responsible in any case.


Call Presentation for the 2023-2024 academic year


  • Delivery of Awards and Scholarships

The official award ceremony will take place within the Teleco Innova Day on May 15, 2024

  • Amount of the awards

You can consult the details within each section. The timing of the payment of the amount will vary depending on the nature of the award or scholarship. The amount of these awards may be subject to withholding tax.


Scholarships for the 23-24 Master's Courses

To apply for scholarships, you must review the scholarship bases and deadlines.


  • UPC Telecos Forum Scholarships

Number of scholarships: 2

Amount per scholarship: 2,500 euros

Scholarship intended for MET and MEE masters

Bases and Form

Submission deadline: April 26, 2024

Scholarships for the 23-24 Degree Courses

  • ETSETB Equity Scholarship

Number of scholarships: 1

Scholarship amount: The amount will be 2,000 euros.

Requirements: Being a student at ETSETB, and intended for those students who have enrolled in the Academic Succession Route Program (PARS) in the first academic semester of the 2023-24 academic year.

The documentation must be sent by email to the Institutional Support and External Relations Unit at the address:

Submission deadline: April 26, 2024

Scholarship bases

  • Excellence Scholarship 

Number of scholarships: 1

Scholarship amount: the amount will be 2,000 euros

Requirements: Being a student at ETSETB and intended for those students who have enrolled in the Academic Succession Route Program (PARS) in the first academic semester of the 2023-24 academic year.

No application is required as the scholarship is awarded to the student with the best academic record in the first semester of the 2023-24 academic year

  •  ETSETB Parity Scholarship

Number of scholarships: 1

Scholarship amount: the amount will be 2,000 euros

Requirements: Being a student at ETSETB and intended for those students who have enrolled in the Academic Succession Route Program (PARS) in the first academic semester of the 2023-24 academic year.

No application is required as the scholarship is awarded to the student with the best academic record in the first semester of the 2023-24 academic year

Awards for the best academic records of the 22-23 academic year

Students do not need to take any action; the Academic Management program will generate the corresponding lists with the rankings of the promotion, and the school will inform the interested parties directly.

  • Mention in Audiovisual Systems (GRETST)
  • Mention in Telecommunications Systems (GRETST)
  • Mention in Telematics Systems (GRETST)
  • Telecommunication Electronic Engineering
  • Master in Electronic Engineering (MEE)
  • Master in Telecommunication Engineering (MET)
  • Master in Advanced Telecommunication Technologies (MATT)

Sponsoring entities:

"Telefónica - UPC Chair"


Awards for the best Master's Thesis / Bachelor's Thesis of the 22-23 academic year

Candidates are the ones with the highest grade in their Bachelor's or Master's Thesis during the 2022-23 academic year. Those containing a confidentiality clause WILL NOT be considered for the awards. The Academic Management program will generate the corresponding lists, and a committee formed by members of the sponsoring company and the Deputy Director of Business Relations will choose the winners. The School will inform the winners directly.

Best Master's Thesis in Cybersecurity

Sponsored by 

Endowed with 500 euros

Best Thesis in Telecommunication Engineering

Sponsored by   

Endowed with 500 euros