GCED Graduation Ceremony

The Graduation ceremony of the 3rd promotion of the Degree in Data Science and Engineering (GCED), will take place on July 21, at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Vèrtex building of the North Campus of the UPC, Plaça Eusebi Güell, 6 of Barcelona. It will be attended by the dean of the FIB, the director of the ETSETB and the dean of the FME, who together with family and friends, will congratulate and thank the commitment and effort of all the new graduates.

Order of the act

First part

  • Welcome and institutional parliaments.
  • Conference: "From geometry to people", by Pere Brunet i Crosa, engineer and retired UPC professor.
  • Intervention by the Godmother of the promotion, Marta Casanellas, degree teacher.
  • Awarding of diplomas to the 3rd promotion of the degree in Data Science and Engineering.

Second part

  • Intervention of undergraduate students.
  • At the end of the event, refreshments will be served in Plaça Telecos on the North-UPC Campus.

Pere Brunet i Crosa

He is an engineer and retired UPC professor. From 1999 until 2011, at the Polytechnic University he was director of the Research Group in Modeling, Interaction and Visualization in Virtual Reality (MOVING), scientific manager of the Virtual Reality Center of Barcelona (CRV) and professor in the Department of Languages and Computer Systems. His research interests included computer-aided geometric design, hierarchical geometric representations, and virtual reality. Interested in scientific dissemination and the dissemination of STEM disciplines especially among young people, between 2012 and 2019, he wrote dissemination articles in the science section of the newspaper Ara, articles that have been compiled on the website of the ViRVIG center the UPC.

Marta Casanellas

She is a professor at the Dept. of Mathematics at the UPC and researcher at the Center for Mathematical Research. Her research focuses on the use of algebraic and geometric techniques in phylogenetics. She was the head of studies of the degree in Data Science and Engineering from the beginning of the degree (2018) until 2022. On the other hand , I have actively participated in mathematics dissemination activities, and from 2014 to 2017 I was a member of the Women's Committee of the European Society of Mathematics and president of the Women and Mathematics Commission of the Royal Society Spanish Mathematics.

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Graduates in Data Science and Engineering