GRETST Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony of the 2022-23 Degree in Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering will take place on October 20, at 6:00 p.m., in the Auditorium of the Vèrtex building on the North Campus of the UPC ( Plaça Eusebi Güell, 6 Barcelona).

It is an event where everyone, students, teaching staff, administration and services staff, family members and friends will enjoy the achievement and completion of the Degree, thus maintaining a close link with the ETSETB.


Order of the act

First Part

  • Welcome by the director of ETSETB-UPC Telecos, Alba Pagès-Zamora.
  • Intervention of the Head of Studies of the Degree, Orestes Mas.
  • Conference The certainty of uncertainty by Carlos Abellan, Telecommunications engineer for the ETSETB, CEO and Co-founder at Quside Technologies.
  • Words from the godfather of the 2022/2023 Promotion, Professor Cristóbal Voz, Deputy Director of Quality at ETSETB.
  • Carlos Abellan is co-founder and CEO of Quside, a quantum technology spin-off from the Institute of Photonic Sciences-ICFO. He received his PhD in quantum technologies at ICFO, where he developed the quantum randomness technologies that he transferred to Quside. 10 years of experience in quantum and photonic technologies, co-inventor of multiple patent families and co-author of more than 15 articles in the main scientific journals. Received the MIT Innovators Under 35 Europe Award.
  • Presentation of the UPC Alumni Award - Viu la UPC. It will be delivered by Elisenda Bonet, ETSETB teacher representing the Telecos network.

Second Part

  • Organized by the new graduates.
  • The event will be closed by the vice-rector of Academic Policy of the UPC, Montserrat Pardàs.
  • Singing of the university hymn Gaudeamus Igitur.

The event can be followed live via our YouTube channel @UPCTelecos.



Graduates in Telecomunications Technologies and Services Engineering

Promotion 2022-2023
Promotion 2021-2022

Promotion 2020-2021

Promotion 2019-2020