Master’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MET)

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Master's degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MET)

Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)

The master’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering (master's degree website) is a training proposal that is adaptable to the needs of two types of students: those who wish to focus on a professional career and those who wish to pursue a doctoral degree in the area of telecommunications engineering.

This master’s degree provides graduates with a broad profile that includes skills and expertise in communications systems, networks, electronics and audiovisual systems to ensure that they have the professional competencies that they need to practise as telecommunications engineers. After the first, compulsory subject area, students can choose from a wide variety of subjects to acquire a general profile, specialise in a field, or engage in research and pursue a doctoral degree.

The aim is for the graduates to enter modern industry as benchmark professionals in the new multidisciplinary work and production scenario. To increase their employability, students can take both the master’s thesis and some of the ECTS credits for optional subjects in a company or laboratory.

MET has a strong international character. It is taught entirely in English as it is expected that a large number of students will be from other countries. There is also the possibility of obtaining a joint degree with another internationally renowned university. 

Duration and start date
2 academic years, 120 ECTS credits. Starting September and February
Timetable and delivery
Afternoons. Face-to-face
Fees and grants
Approximate fees for the master’s degree, excluding other costs (does not include non-teaching academic fees and issuing of the degree certificate):
€2,215 (€12,662 for non-EU residents).
More information about fees and payment options
More information about grants and loans
Language of instruction

Information on language use in the classroom and students’ language rights.


Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering

Official degree
Recorded in the Ministry of Education's degree register
General requirements
Academic requirements for admission to master's degrees
Specific requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Science and Technology
  • Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Systems Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Systems Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Network Engineering.
  • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Pre-EHEA five-year degree in Telecommunications Engineering: 60 ECTS credits may be recognised if the degree is homologated in Spain.
  • Pre-EHEA five-year degree in Electronic Engineering: 45 ECTS credits may be recognised if the degree is homologated in Spain.
  • Pre-EHEA diploma in Telecommunications Engineering: an additional 30 ECTS credits must be passed.
  • Bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics: an additional 60 ECTS credits must be passed (30 of them can be taken as optional courses on the bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics).
Applicants who have other technology degrees in fields such as Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering, Science and Technology, etc. may need to pass some courses in addition to those of the master's degree. These bridging courses are part of the bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering  and are taught in Catalan or Spanish. The maximum number of credits for bridging courses is 60 ECTS.
The exact number of additional ECTS credits depends on the degree held by the applicant and will be decided by the academic committee of the master's degree.
Admission criteria

Language requirements:
CEFR English Level B2, which you can demonstrate in one of the following ways:

  • Your mother tongue is English.
  • You have studied in an English-speaking country (for at least one semester).
  • You have taken an academic university  programme taught in English (for at least one semester).
  • You hold a European Higher Education Area degree that includes English Level B2.
  • You hold one of the following English language certificates:

              - Cambridge: FCE
              - TOEFL PBT: >= 567; CBT: >= 227; IBT: >= 87
              - IELTS: 5.5
              - TOEIC: 750
              - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas: Certificado de nivel avanzado (Level 5)

Knowledge of Catalan and Spanish may be helpful for daily life.

Find more information on the Language services and resources at the UPC website.

60 in September; 20 in February
Pre-enrolment period open.
Expected deadline:  15/06/2025.

How to pre-enrol
How to enrol
Legalisation of foreign documents
All documents issued in non-EU countries must be legalised and bear the corresponding apostille.

MET Curriculum

Master MET offers 3 types of academic paths:


  • Academic path with double-degree (limited places): If you prefer maximum internationalization and another master degree, choose this option. You will have to enrol 45 compulsory ECTS credits, 15 ECTS credits from one intensification and 60 or 90 ECTS credits (that include the 20 ECTS of the thesis) at the foreign university.

Subjects are structured in different blocks:



Enrolment guide:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Students willing to take a double degree or a mobility stay should:

  • Take the intensification path.
  • Pass all core subjects + 3 intensification subjects before the mobility.
  • Should you have to enroll bridge courses during the first semester, set up a meeting with Vice-Dean Head of Master Studies ( to plan the enrolment for first and second semesters.

First semester (30 ECTS).

  1. All bridge subjects that have been assigned to you.

  2. Core subjects. Any of them except MTP.

  3. None or one elective/intensification/specialization subject. Any except IT and having into account these restrictions:

      • AFOC requires to simultaneously enrol TSYS.
      • AMC requires to simultaneously enrol TSYS.
      • QSN requires to simultaneously enrol CN and OVNET.
      • WAN requires to simultaneously enrol CN.

Second semester (30 ECTS): The rest of core subjects except MTP + intensification subjects + elective subjects. Without restrictions.

Third semester (30 ECTS): MTP + intensification subjects + elective subjects. Without restrictions.

Fourth semester (30 ECTS): Master's thesis.

In case that bridge subjects are required, these will be enrolled in first and second semesters depending on the subject availability and the academic profile of each applicant.

Students can make mobility stays of half or full year to choose among a great number of foreign universities. Usually, the period is the third semester and/or the master's thesis during the fourth semester.

In case that the student is taking a double degree or a mobility stay in the second year, MTP and the 3 intensification subjects must be passed during first and second semesters.


Internships in companies:

It is also possible to perform internships in companies. In the master's framework, these internships can be curricular equivalent to 15 elective ECTS, curricular to do the master's thesis or extracurricular (do not recognize credits).

The ETSETB has a long collaboration tradition with companies. In this link you may see the companies that have offered internships during the last years.

Check the degree’s main quality indicators in the University Studies in Catalonia portal of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency. Find information on topics such as degree evaluation results, student satisfaction and graduate employment data.
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