International Relations and Mobility Committee (CdRIM)


The International Relations and Mobility Committee (CdRIM) is the committee responsible for organizing, promoting, and overseeing student mobility programs, both incoming and outgoing, at both national and international levels, between the School and other higher education institutions, according to the competencies entrusted by the School.

On an exceptional basis, and in duly justified cases, the director of the School may authorize exceptions to this regulation.



Són funcions de la CdRIM:

a) Define, upon proposal from the Management Team and the different Academic Title Commissions of the School, the objectives associated with student mobility integrated into the curricula linked to ETSETB.

b) Ensure the formative nature of student mobility as a complement to the knowledge acquired by students in their curricula linked to ETSETB.

c) Approve the allocation of places, review and monitor student mobility according to current regulations.

d) Establish and review the organization of the student mobility model and detailed procedures for both incoming and outgoing student mobility, which are made public on the center's website.

e) Prepare, with the assistance of the Institutional Support and External Relations unit, an annual report on student mobility.

f) Collect, under the coordination of the deputy director responsible for student mobility, and as a result of the preparation of the mobility report, the suggestions received regarding student mobility processes and make improvement proposals related to these processes, such as criteria for allocating mobility places if necessary.

g) Perform all functions assigned by the School Board, the Permanent Committee, and particularly those granted by the SGIQ of the School.

h) Anything that may contribute to the proper fulfillment of its objectives and is not the function of a governing body of the School.



The CdRIM will be composed of:
a) The subdirector or subdirectora responsible for student mobility, who will preside over it.

b) The director of ETSETB.

c) One professor representing each of the five degrees of the School with the highest mobility.

d) A student enrolled in any of the degrees managed by ETSETB proposed by the Student Delegation and who has completed a minimum of 120 ECTS.

e) A student enrolled in any of the master's programs managed by ETSETB proposed by the Student Delegation. In each session, the president of the committee will designate, among the attendees, the person who will act as secretary. A member of the Degree and Master Studies Management Unit (UGEGIM) of ETSETB assigned by the head of UGEGIM and/or a member of the Institutional Support and External Relations Unit (USIRE) of ETSETB assigned by the head of USIRE will be invited when the meeting's topic requires it, to convey any problems or improvement proposals regarding administrative management of mobility, on the one hand, and institutional relations with other higher education institutions, on the other hand.


Term and renewal

The term of non-natural faculty mentioned in section c) of Article 3 will be 2 academic years. They are appointed by the director of the school considering the Permanent Committee. The term of students, indicated in sections d) and e) of Article 3, is for one academic year, and their renewal is always done before the first regular session of the course. Students are appointed by the director of the school considering the Permanent Committee.

Current members

NAtural members

a) Israel Martín Escalona

b) Alba Pagès-Zamora


Elected members

c) Eduard Alarcón Cot

     Arantxa Alonso Maleta

     Juan M. Gene Bernaus

     Ferran Marquès Acosta

     Isidro Martín García

d) Mohamed Guennoun

e) Vacant