University-Industry Relations Committee (CdRUE)


The University-Enterprise Relations Committee (CdRUE) is the committee responsible for organizing, promoting, and overseeing educational cooperation programs between the School and companies, as well as other university extension activities in which ETSETB is competent, according to the competencies entrusted by the School Board and the Permanent Committee.

On an exceptional basis, and duly justified cases, the director of the School may authorize exceptions to this regulation.


a) Define, upon proposal from the Management Team and the different Academic Title Commissions of the School, the objectives associated with academic internships integrated into the curricula linked to ETSETB.

b) Ensure the formative nature of external academic internships and other activities related to companies as a complement to students' academic training.

c) Prepare, each academic year, reports on external academic internships, which will be submitted to the Permanent Committee, broken down by degree according to the indicators established by the Quality Management System (SGIQ) of the School.

d) Review and monitor internships according to current regulations on external academic internships.

e) Establish and review criteria for the recognition of credits for university extension activities for those studies where legislation allows it, and when the unit responsible is ETSETB.

f) Evaluate all requests received for the recognition of credits for university extension activities where the unit responsible is ETSETB, which will be submitted to the Permanent Committee for approval.

g) Develop the regulations established by the different governing bodies of the School within its scope of action, as well as make necessary proposals.

h) Perform all functions assigned by the School Board, the Permanent Committee, and particularly those granted by the SGIQ of the School.

i) Anything that may contribute to the proper fulfillment of its objectives and is not the competence of a governing body of the School.



The CdRUE will be composed of:
a)The subdirector or subdirectora responsible for relations with companies, who will preside over it.

b) The subdirector or subdirectora responsible for quality at ETSETB.

c) A member of the Academic Secretariat, assigned by the head of Degree and Master Studies Management of ETSETB for each session, who will act as secretary with a voice but without a vote.

d) Two professors from the School.

e) Two students enrolled in any of the degrees or master's degrees managed by ETSETB proposed by the Student Delegation.

In the case of undergraduate students, they must have completed a minimum of 120 ECTS. In case of a vacancy, absence, or illness of the secretary of the committee, the president of the committee must appoint a substitute.


Term and renewal

The term of the non-natural faculty mentioned in section d) of Article 3 is 2 years. They are appointed by the director of the school considering the Permanent Committee. The term of students, indicated in section e) of Article 3, is for one academic year, and their renewal is always done before the first regular session of the course. Students are appointed by the director of the school considering the Permanent Committee.


Current members

Natural members

a) Francesc Rey Micolau (Deputy Director of Business Relations)

b) Cristobal Voz Sanchez (Deputy Director of Quality and Teaching Innovation)

c) Member of the Academic Secretariat


Elected members

d) Professors of the School:

Juan José Ramos Castro (Dept. Enginyeria Electrònica)

Mónica Aguilar Igartua (Dept. Enginyeria Telemàtica)

e) Students:

Marc Armangué Fajula

Daniel Díaz Ávarez