ETSETB board

Article 11. Nature

The Board, chaired by the director or director, is the governing body of the School. The Board ensures that the School adequately fulfills all the functions attributed to it by current regulations, the Statutes of the UPC, and this organization and functioning regulation.

Article 12. Composition

The School Board is composed of:

1. Natural members

In accordance with article 80.2 of the Statutes of the UPC, the following are natural members of the Board:

    a. The director.
    b. The deputy directors.
    c. The secretary.
    d. The head of the transversal management unit that serves the School.
    e. The head of management of the bachelor's and master's programs of the School.
    f.  The delegate of the students of the School.

2. Elected members

    a. A number of representatives of the teaching and research staff equal to 71 minus the number of natural members belonging to the teaching and research staff.

    b. A number of representatives of the administration and services staff equal to 12 minus the number of natural members belonging to the administration and services staff.

    c. A number of representatives of the students equal to 26 minus the number of natural members belonging to the student body.

The representation of the teaching and research staff is distributed among the permanent faculty and the rest of the teaching and research staff proportionally to the teaching activity points taught at the School by each group in the last two years. The minimum number of representatives of the permanent faculty is 56.

The representation of the permanent faculty is distributed in electoral districts by departments with significant teaching at the School. Significant teaching is understood as more than 2% of the teaching activity points taught at the School in the last two years. The rest of the departments that teach at the School are grouped into a single electoral district. The number of representatives for each district will be proportional to the teaching activity points taught at the School by each district in the last two years.

In the distribution of the number of representatives among the different electoral districts, the rule of the larger fractions defined in the Electoral Regulations must be applied.

In the event that the percentage of permanent faculty at the University is less than fifty-one percent of the members of the School Board, its representation must be immediately increased to achieve this percentage.

This increase applies to the number of representatives from the PDI-A sector. First, any vacancies that may exist in the electoral districts of this sector must be filled, and in the event that there are no vacancies per district, an election must be held for a single electoral district (teaching center), and the number of representatives needed to achieve the fifty-one percent must be elected.

The rest of the teaching and research staff have a single electoral district.

The representation of the administration staff includes the administration and services staff of the transversal management unit when this staff provides services to the School; the administration and services staff of libraries, under the terms and conditions established in the UPC Electoral Regulations, and the administration and services staff assigned to the teaching center.

For the election of representatives of the administration and services staff, classifications of civil service and staff under labor contract are established; the number of representatives is distributed proportionally to the registries of these classifications. Representatives are elected by members of these classifications from among these same members.

In the representation corresponding to undergraduate and master's students, it must be ensured that each of the School's degrees with a representative with a valid vote is represented. However, if any degree does not have any representative, the total number of representatives corresponding to undergraduate and master's students is not affected.

Article 13. Functions of the Board

Within the framework of the University Statutes, the functions of the Board are:

a)    Approve the proposal for the organization and functioning regulation of the School and its modifications, for subsequent approval by the Governing Council.

b)    Approve the Operating Regulations of the School's Student Delegation.

c)    Sanction the annual management report presented by the director.

d)    Create committees as it deems appropriate with the purposes and powers defined by the Board itself.

e)    Approve proposals for the creation, modification, and suppression of undergraduate and master's university programs and doctoral programs.

f)     Approve proposals for the creation, modification, and suppression of study plans.

g)    Approve the organization of university permanent training and university extension activities, and the collaboration of the School in these activities.

h)    Approve the strategic plan within the framework of the strategic planning of the University.

i)     Approve, for submission to the Governing Council, the list of personal and material resources necessary to carry out its functions.

j)     Submit to the Governing Council the proposal for the allocation of teaching needs among the different departments of the University.

k)    Agree on the federation of the School with other units of the UPC or the modification of this federation, for subsequent approval by the Governing Council, subject to the prior report of the Social Council.

l)     If the School is to be integrated into a campus, agree on the delegation of powers with the other units involved, before the integration is approved.

m)  Propose initiatives and aspirations, and express its opinion on issues affecting the School or its environment.

n)    Revoke the director.

o)    Elect the non-natural members of the Permanent Committee.

p)    Approve or sanction, during the semester following the close of the previous fiscal year, the economic management of the previous fiscal year.

q) Propose to the Polytechnic University of Catalonia appointments of honorary doctors.

r) Propose to the competent bodies of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia access to the status of emeritus professor.

s) Organize courses aimed or not aimed at obtaining academic titles or diplomas, within its competencies and in accordance with general and university regulations.

t) Submit to the competent bodies of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia the proposal for the withdrawal of the affiliation or linkage of a member of the teaching and research staff assigned or linked to the School.

Article 14. Term of the Board

The Board is elected for a period of 2 years. The end of the term of the Board implies the end of the term of all the committees it has created.

Actual members

Natural members

  1. Pagès-Zamora, Alba
    • Martín Escalona, Israel
    • Mas Casals, Orestes
    • Muñoz López, Xavier
    • Postigo Boix, Marcos
    • Rey Micolau, Francesc
    • Vall-llossera Ferran, Mercè
    • Voz Sánchez, Cristóbal
  2. Umbert Juliana, Anna
  3. Pérez Rodríguez, Sara
  4. Clavero Navarro, Albert
  5. Armangué Fajula, Marc

Elected members

  • Alonso Maleta, Arantxa
  • Cabrera Bean, Margarita
  • Casademont Serra, Jordi
  • Casas Pla, Josep Ramon
  • Cojocaru, Crina Maria
  • Domínguez Pumar, Manel
  • Duffo Ubeda, Núria
  • Esparza Martín, Óscar
  • Fernández Chimeno, Mireya
  • Fernández Muñoz, Marcel
  • Ferrús Ferré, Ramon
  • García García, Jose Eduardo
  • García González, Miguel Ángel
  • Gil Gomez, Maria Luisa
  • Gorricho Moreno, Juan Luis
  • Guinjoan Gispert, Francisco Juan
  • Juan Zornoza, José Miguel
  • Mallorqui Franquet, Jordi
  • Martin Faus, Isabel Victoria
  • Martín Garcia, Isidro
  • Meseguer Serrano, Álvaro
  • Monreal Arnal, Teresa
  • Ortega Villasclaras, Pablo Rafael
  • Pallares Segarra, Esteve
  • Pascual Iserte, Antonio
  • Perelló Muntan, Jordi
  • Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna
  • Pérez Romero, Jordi
  • Pons Peregort, Olga
  • Prat Gomà, Josep
  • Riu Costa, Pere
  • Rius Casals, Juan Manuel
  • Rodríguez Fonollosa, Javier
  • Rodríguez Martínez, Ángel
  • Salavedra Molí, Josep
  • Salazar Soler, Jordi
  • Silvestre Berges, Santiago
  • Solé Pareta, Josep
  • Soneira Ferrando, Maria José
  • Torres Torres, Francesc
  • Trullàs Simó, Joaquim
  • Vallverdu Bayes, Francesc
  • Villares Piera, N. Javier
  • Voz Sánchez, Cristóbal
  • Sardà Ferrer, Joan
  • Benedicto Benito, Ana
  • Elmeua Navarro, Rosa M.
  • Flores Milan, Juan Carlos
  • Massaguer Pérez, Esther
  • Gombau Aparicio, Amparo
  • Mateos Bartolomé, Alberto José
  • Morillas Martínez, Francisco 
  • Tallón Montoro, Carme
  • Verdugo Arias, Fernando
  • Bayer Mena, Arnau
  • Bogatell Pascual, Sergi
  • Capdevila Moizé, Mariona
  • Ceano-Vivas Camacho, Rosa
  • Corte Cruz, Fernando Andrés
  • Díaz Àlvarez, Daniel
  • Elvira Pallardó, Marc
  • Fernández Bilbeny, Ignasi
  • Fernandes Quiot, Ines
  • Ferret Colomer, Gerard
  • Galisteo Aragonés, Raquel
  • Guennoun, Mohamed
  • Llamas Royo, Anna
  • López Madrid, Antonio
  • Lozano Monfort, Èric
  • Mencion Seguranyes, Josep
  • Nicora, Alexander
  • Palmero Arans, Vicenç
  • Pascual Villodres, Pompeu
  • Roncancio Gonzalez, Daniela
  • Ruiz Mas, Claudia
  • Sotelo Sabaté, Marcel
  • Sumalla Reñe, Albert
  • Talamas Cusidó, Jan
  • Torrens Segret, Esteve