Permanent Commission

Article 18. Nature

The Permanent Commission is the executive and permanent representation body of the Board.
It is chaired by the director of the School.

Article 19. Mandate

The mandate of the Permanent Commission is the same as established for the School Board. Elected members of the Permanent Commission are renewed when elected members of the Board are renewed.

Article 20. Composition

The Permanent Commission has the following composition:

1. Natural members

    1. The director.
    2. The deputy directors.
    3. The secretary.
    4. The head of the transversal management unit that serves the School.
    5. The head of management of bachelor's and master's programs of the School.
    6. The delegate of the students.
    7. Twenty members elected by the members of each sector from among its members. The distribution among the different sectors is done proportionally to the number of elected members of the Board from each sector.

2. Elected members:

In the distribution of the number of representatives among the different sectors, the rule of the larger fractions defined in the Electoral Regulations must be applied.

In the event that the percentage of permanent faculty at the University is less than fifty-one percent of the members of the Permanent Commission, its representation must be immediately increased to achieve this percentage.

Article 21. Functions of the Permanent Commission

The functions of the Permanent Commission are:

a) Approve the criteria and regulations for the organization and administrative management of the teachings entrusted to the School.

b) Approve its own academic and evaluation regulations, within the framework established by the University regulations.

c) Approve the teaching assignment of departments or units with teaching capacity, as well as establish the needs and characteristics of the teaching and research staff to teach it.

d) Approve the programs and the faculty responsible for the subjects and the faculty who will teach them.

e) Approve criteria to coordinate the teaching activity of the faculty to align it with the characteristics of the corresponding degree.

f) Approve criteria to evaluate the teaching activity of departments in the study plans of the School.

g) Ensure the quality of the teachings and promote teaching improvement.

h) Approve criteria and regulations to academically evaluate the performance of the students of the School.

i) Approve criteria and regulations for the organization and administrative management of the academic activity of the students of the School, in accordance with University regulations.

j) Approve the proposed distribution of the annual operating budget assigned to it, as well as its modifications.

k) Approve the actions of the School in the selection, training, evaluation, stabilization, and promotion processes of the teaching and research staff assigned or linked and the administration and services staff assigned.

l) Approve actions regarding the affiliation and linkage of the teaching and research staff, in accordance with University regulations.

m) Approve initiatives to promote research in specific areas, given its multidisciplinary nature.

n) Propose issues to be included in the agenda of regular meetings of the Board.

o) Develop criteria that define the academic performance of the School and define mechanisms to assess it.

p) Create committees as it deems appropriate with the purposes and powers defined by the Permanent Commission itself.

q) Discuss and approve the School's quality policy and objectives defined by the management team, as well as its improvements.

r) Discuss and approve the processes of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the School, as well as its modifications.

s) Discuss and approve the plans established by the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the School, as well as their updates.

t) Discuss and approve the reports established by the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the School.

u) Supervise and validate the follow-up and improvement actions of the School's Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS).

Current Members

Natural Members

  1. Pagès-Zamora, Alba
    • Martín Escalona, Israel
    • Mas Casals, Orestes
    • Muñoz López, Xavier
    • Postigo Boix, Marcos
    • Rey Micolau, Francesc
    • Vall-llossera Ferran, Mercè
    • Voz Sánchez, Cristóbal
  2. Umbert Juliana, Anna
  3. Pérez Rodríguez, Sara
  4. Clavero Navarro, Albert
  5. Armangué Fajula, Marc

Membres Electius

PDI - A PDI - B PAS Estudiants
  • Alonso Maleta, Maria Aranzazu

  • Cojocaru, Crina Maria

  • Domínguez Pumar, Manuel Maria

  • Ferrús Ferré, Ramon

  • Martín Garcia, Isidro

  • Pallares Segarra, Esteve

  • Pascual Iserte, Antonio

  • Pons Peregort, Olga

  • Rodríguez Fonollosa, Javier

  • Solé Pareta, Josep

  • Trullás Simó, Joaquim

  • Sardà Ferrer, Joan

  • Massaguer Pérez, Esther

  • Verdugo Arias, Fernando

  • Bogatell Pascual, Sergi

  • Ceano-Vivas Camacho, Rosa

  • Díaz Àlvarez, Daniel

  • Palmero Arans, Vicenç

  • Sumalla Reñé, Albert

  • Torrens Segret, Esteve