Master's degree in Advanced Telecommunication Technologies (MATT)

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Master's degree in Advanced Telecommunication Technologies

Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB)

Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC)

The master’s degree in Advanced Telecommunications Technologies (master's degree website) is a joint project of the Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB) and the Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC). The programme offers a broad selection of optional credits that are organised by concentration but also provide enough flexibility for students to create their own profile. On this master’s degree, you can choose one of the concentrations proposed by the schools (technical and technological specialisation at the ETSETB or cross-disciplinary courses at the EETAC) or build your own specific profile by selecting the optional subjects you are interested in at each school.
Duration and start date
1 academic year, 60 ECTS credits. Starting February and September
Timetable and delivery
Afternoons. Face-to-face
Fees and grants
Approximate fees for the master’s degree, excluding other costs (does not include non-teaching academic fees and issuing of the degree certificate):
€1,660 (€6,331 for non-EU residents).
More information about fees and payment options
More information about grants and loans
Language of instruction

Information on language use in the classroom and students’ language rights.

Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering
Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering
Official degree
Recorded in the Ministry of Education's degree register
General requirements
Academic requirements for admission to master's degrees
Specific requirements
Direct admission:
  • Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Science and Technology
  • Bachelor’s degrees that qualify the holder to practise the profession of technical telecommunications engineer: bachelor’s degrees in Audiovisual Systems Engineering, Electronic Systems Engineering, Telecommunications Systems Engineering, and Network Engineering
  • Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (pre-EHEA qualification)
40 in September; 20 in February
Pre-enrolment period open.
Expected deadline:  15/06/2025.

How to pre-enrol
How to enrol
Legalisation of foreign documents
All documents issued in non-EU countries must be legalised and bear the corresponding apostille.


MATT Curriculum

The master’s degree in Advanced Telecommunications Technologies, which is taught by the ETSETB in conjunction with the EETAC, is worth 60 ECTS credits and is taught entirely in English. It can be taken full-time or part-time and is designed in such a way that it can be adapted to the needs of students, who have a great deal of flexibility when it comes to choosing courses.

The basic structure is the following:

  • 15 ECTS credits for compulsory subjects that are cross-disciplinary and the content of which may be useful in a whole range of ICT specialisations.

  • 33 ECTS credits for optional subjects in various ICT areas.

  • 12 ECTS credits for the master’s thesis.

Non-curricular internships can be taken alongside the subjects of the master’s degree. In the case of the ETSETB, you will find the information by clicking on work placement, and a list of companies with which it has had agreements in recent years by clicking on this link. In the case of the EETAC, the information is here.

Mobility is possible but has certain limitations. You can take all the subjects over two semesters at the UPC and carry out your master’s thesis at another university in the third semester. Because abroad master’s theses are rarely worth just 12 ECTS credits, it is common for students to carry out a master’s thesis of more than 12 ECTS credits on a mobility programme, even though the UPC will only recognise 12 ECTS credits. If you click on  Mobility stays you will find the information for the ETSETB; if you click on Mobility you will find the information for the EETAC.

Because the master’s degree has many optional subjects, they are grouped into pathways that allow students to concentrate on a particular area of ICT. If students take one of these pathways, the ETSETB or the EETAC issues a certificate stating that they have taken this concentration. The certificate has no legal validity but it can be attached to your curriculum to demonstrate your knowledge of this area.

Each pathway consists of three or four recommended pathway subjects and one or two optional pathway subjects. The certificate is issued to students who pass 25 ECTS credits for subjects in the pathway, regardless of whether these are recommended or optional.

The subject Introduction to Research I (RES1) may be included in the credits for a pathway if the topic of the project lies within the area of knowledge of the pathway.

If students’ bachelor’s degrees insufficiently prepared them to take the pathway they have chosen, they will be asked to take additional subjects in the pathway, which, in general terms, should not mean that they take more than 60 ECTS credits on the master’s degree. The academic committee of the master’s degree is responsible for analysing students’ academic background and proposing bridging courses.

The master’s degree can be taken without following a pathway; in this case, students take 33 ECTS credits in an unrestricted choice of optional subjects.

At the EETAC, optional subjects are worth 3 ECTS credits and this allows students to take the required 33 ECTS credits. At the ETSETB, optional subjects are worth 5 ECTS credits, so students can take seminars, which are optional subjects worth 3 ECTS credits that are taught in an intensive format once the examination period at the end of each semester has ended. Two seminars cannot be taken at the same time, but more than one can be taken over the course of the master’s degree. Therefore, at the ETSETB there are various ways of completing the 33 optional ECTS credits.

  • 6 subjects worth 5 ECTS credits and 1 seminar worth 3 ECTS credits. Students have 60 ECTS credits when they get to the end of the master’s degree.

  • 5 subjects worth 5 ECTS credits and 3 seminars worth 3 ECTS credits. Students have 60 ECTS credits when they get to the end of the master’s degree.

  • 7 subjects worth 5 ECTS credits and no seminars. Students have 62 ECTS credits when they get to the end of the master’s degree.

Compulsory subjects are taught at the EETAC and the ETSETB at the same time and every semester (twice a year). Optional subjects are taught at just one school and just once a year, whether in the autumn semester or the spring semester. The pathways are also taught at just one school.


Pathways and organization

The study pathways that you can find are the following: 

Cross-disciplinary pathways (EETAC)

Communications pathways (ETSETB)

Networks and Communication Protocols pathways (ETSETB)

Multimedia pathways (ETSETB)

Electronics pathways (ETSETB)

Click here to see class schedules of the current course.

The organization of the course is as follows:


Machine Learning from data (MLEARN)
Master Compulsory Subjects

Software Architecture (ARQSOFT)

Enterpreneurship for world challenges (EWOC)

Pla d'estudis no disponible

Check the degree’s main quality indicators in the University Studies in Catalonia portal of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency. Find information on topics such as degree evaluation results, student satisfaction and graduate employment data.
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