


The Academic Commission of the Master's Degree in Electronic Engineering (CAMEE) is the commission responsible for the management of the Master's Degree in Electronic Engineering (MEE) in the competencies entrusted by the School Board and the Permanent Commission. These competencies include the processes associated with the admission of students to the degree, the application of current regulations of the degree, the Quality Plan of the School, and the preparation of follow-up and accreditation self-reports of the MEE.
Exceptionally, and in duly justified cases, the director of the School may authorize exceptions to this regulation.


The functions of the CAMEE are:
a) Those specified in the degree verification document: access and admission of students, transfer and recognition of credits, and selection of training complements required by students for their access to the master's program.
b) Supervise the tutoring process for students with insufficient performance.
c) Analyze the indicators of the reports prepared by the management team as indicated by the Internal Quality Assurance System of the School (SGIQ) and make improvement proposals.
d) Submit the annual follow-up report of the MEE defined in the SGIQ of the School.
e) All functions entrusted by the Permanent Commission, and in particular those granted by the SGIQ of the School.
f) Within its scope of action, develop the regulations established by the different governing bodies of the School, as well as make the necessary proposals.
g) Anything that can contribute to the proper fulfillment of its objectives and that is not the responsibility of a governing body of the School.



The CAMEE will be constituted by:
a) The director of the School.
b) The head of studies of the MEE, who will preside over it.
c) The person in charge of third-cycle studies in the department of electronic engineering.
d) Four professors responsible for mandatory subjects of the MEE.
e) A professor responsible for an elective subject.
It will be ensured that the teaching activity of the teaching staff members of the committee covers to the maximum extent the different areas of electronics developed in the subjects of the MEE.
The president of the commission may invite a member of the Academic Secretariat, assigned by the head of the Degree and Master's Studies Management Unit of the ETSETB School, who will act in an advisory capacity, with a voice but without a vote, when the theme of the meeting requires it.
In each session, the president of the commission will designate among the attendees the person who will perform the functions of secretary.


Term and Renewal

The term of office for faculty not mentioned in sections d) and e) of article 3 will be 2 years. These are appointed by the president of the commission with the agreement of the directors of the department of electronic engineering and the School.
All appointments will be submitted to the Permanent Commission for approval.

Current Members

Native Members

a) Alba Pagès-Zamora (Director)
b) Juan Manuel Moreno Arostegui (Head of Studies MEE)
c) Francesc Moll Echeto (Responsible for third-cycle studies in the department of Electronic Engineering)


Elective Members

d) Professors responsible for mandatory subjects of the MEE:

  • Domingo Biel Solé
  • Ramon Bragós Bardia
  • Isidro Martin Garcia
  • Angel Rodríguez Martínez

e) Professor responsible for an elective subject:
Antoni Turó Peroy