Information for students

Internship Modalities
- Curricular Internships: These are academic activities integrated into study programs (only study programs that include internships in companies for undergraduate and master's degrees). They have the same consideration as any other elective subject in ETSETB. This means that students must enroll in an internship in a company, have a supervisor, and be evaluated and graded.
- Extracurricular Internships: Students can voluntarily undertake extracurricular internships during their studies. Unlike curricular internships, they are not part of the study program or the academic record. However, they are included in the European Supplement to the Degree.
- Internships for Bachelor's/Master's Theses: Students make an agreement to carry out their thesis in a company. The enrollment and evaluation of the project will follow the same procedure as if it were done at the university.
- Curricular Internships + Thesis: Students with a single agreement will undertake curricular internships and the thesis in the company. All students who undertake internships and a thesis in the same semester must choose this modality.
Where Internships Can Be Carried Out
- Internships at Collaborating Entities: National companies, institutions, and public and private entities.
- Internships at the University: These are internships within the university itself, where the training received and the tasks performed must be directly related to the knowledge acquired in the courses. These specific cases will be detailed in Annex 1 of the UPC Internship Regulations. Under no circumstances can administrative or teaching support tasks be considered external internships. The regulations do not allow extracurricular internships in this modality.
- International Internships: These are internships carried out by Erasmus students after a stay at another university, internships obtained through scholarships from other organizations where a foreign university is not involved, or internships carried out by a student in a foreign company without the involvement of a foreign university.
1. Enrollment Requirement
Students must be enrolled during the internship period. When a student completing a cooperative education agreement graduates, they are no longer eligible to continue participating in the University-Industry cooperative education programs. Therefore, it is necessary to initiate the process for terminating the cooperative education agreement, which the company will process through the application. As the objective of internships is to complement students' education during their study period, internships will not be authorized when students are taking more credits than necessary to complete their studies or delaying the completion of their studies.
If the internships end after October 1st (Q1) or March 1st (Q2), and the student does not have any other subjects or the final project (TFG/TFM) to enroll, an additional enrollment must be formalized, which entails paying administrative fees (management of the academic record, learning support, and school insurance, if applicable).
2. Number of Hours
Students can work up to 20 hours per week. Those students who are working on their master's or bachelor's thesis at the collaborating entity or doing internships between July 1st and September 15th can work up to 40 hours per week. The internship schedule should not coincide with the schedule of enrolled subjects.
Externship internships cannot exceed 900 hours in the same academic year (considering this period from September 16th of the starting year to September 15th of the following year).
Throughout their studies, students can dedicate a maximum number of hours to externship internships based on the duration of their study program:
- 240 ECTS Bachelor's Degree: maximum 1,800 hours
- 60 ECTS Master's Degree: maximum 600 hours
- 90 ECTS Master's Degree: maximum 900 hours
- 120 ECTS Master's Degree: maximum 1,200 hours
If academic internships are used to carry out the Final Bachelor's Project or Final Master's Project at the collaborating entity, these limits can be exceeded once during the studies by an excess of hours equal to the result of multiplying the credits enrolled in the TFG or TFM by 15.
3. School Insurance
While the agreement is in force, students must have school insurance. This insurance is mandatory for students under 28 years old. If you are over 28 years old, you will need to arrange private insurance. For this purpose, UPC has signed an agreement with the Insurance Brokerage CONFIDE. You can get information about this at the secretary's office.
Currently, school insurance covers one-year periods from September 16th to September 15th of the following year.
Regarding Social Security, students will provide their affiliation number to the entity for registration. If they do not have an affiliation number, they will need to contact the Social Security Treasury.
4. Non-employment Relationship with the Company
1. Curricular Internships for Undergraduate Students:
Students can enroll in the subject "Internships in the Company" (12 credits) if:
- Students of the GREELEC and GRETST degrees have completed at least 18 credits from the 3B semester.
- Students of the GRENDAD degree have completed a minimum of 120 ECTS.
- Students of the GEF degree cannot enroll in curricular internships according to their study plan.
In the case of curricular internships for undergraduate students, the 12 credits correspond to a cooperative education agreement of 360 hours (1 ECTS = 30 hours).
2. Extracurricular Internships for Undergraduate Students:
This option is available to students of all degrees at the school.
In order to ensure that the completion of extracurricular internships does not negatively impact their academic performance, students can enter into a cooperative education agreement if they meet the following conditions:
- Having completed a minimum of 120 ECTS.
Students who have obtained a low performance in previous semesters, quantified by an alpha parameter (ratio of credits passed to credits enrolled) lower than 0.50, are not eligible to participate in extracurricular internships or renew an existing agreement.
The authorization to participate in extracurricular internships may be denied to students who, despite being able to complete their undergraduate or master's studies, request to renew or sign a new internship agreement and fall into any of the situations established in section 4 of the regulations.
3. Internships for the Final Bachelor's Project (TFG):
This option is available to students of all undergraduate and master's degrees at the school.
The number of hours for the agreement will be the result of multiplying 30 hours by the number of ECTS of the TFG.
1. Curricular Internships for Master's Students:
Students can enroll in the subject "Internships in the Company" if:
- Students of the MET and MEE masters, regardless of the number of credits completed in the master's program.
- Students of the 60 ECTS masters MATT, MEF, and MPHOTON cannot enroll in curricular internships according to their study plan.
Incompatibilities between enrolling in the subject "Internships in the Company" and the subjects "Introduction to Research":
- Master MEE: The 120 ECTS can only include ECTS from one of the two subject modalities.
- Master MET: The 120 ECTS can include 15 ECTS from internships in the company and up to 10 ECTS from "Introduction to Research".
In the case of curricular internships for the master's program MET, the 15 credits correspond to a cooperative education agreement of 450 hours (1 ECTS = 30 hours).
In the case of curricular internships for the master's program MEE (120 ECTS), the 15 credits correspond to a cooperative education agreement of 450 hours (1 ECTS = 30 hours).
In the case of curricular internships for the master's program MEE (90 ECTS), the 10 credits correspond to a cooperative education agreement of 300 hours (1 ECTS = 30 hours).
2. Extracurricular Internships for Master's Students:
This option is available to students of all master's programs at the school.
There is no minimum number of credits to complete before being eligible for these internships.
Students of MCYBERS will process their internship agreements through FIB.
In order to ensure that the completion of extracurricular internships does not negatively impact their academic performance, students can enter into a cooperative education agreement if they meet the following conditions:
Students who have obtained a low performance in previous semesters, quantified by an alpha parameter (ratio of credits passed to credits enrolled) lower than 0.50, are not eligible to participate in extracurricular internships or renew an existing agreement.
The authorization to participate in extracurricular internships may be denied to students who, despite being able to complete their undergraduate or master's studies, request to renew or sign a new internship agreement and fall into any of the situations established in section 4 of the regulations.
3. Internships for the Final Master's Project (TFM):
This option is available to students of all undergraduate and master's degrees at the school.
The number of hours for the agreement will be the result of multiplying 30 hours by the number of ECTS of the TFM.
- Procedure for conducting curricular internships
- Procedure for conducting extracurricular internships
- Procedure for conducting the Final Degree Project at the company (pending link)
- Procedure for conducting curricular internships and the Final Degree Project at the company (pending link)
1. Consult or search for offers:
2. Submit your resume
3. Decide whether I want to do a curricular or extracurricular internship
4. Procedure for doing an internship:
You can find the detailed procedure in the Student Manual.
Specific documentation prior to the validation of the agreement according to the cases:
- Foreign or exchange students: they must have a valid student NIE for the entire duration of the agreement.
- Students aged 28 or older and exchange students who have not taken out the school insurance must bring a copy of the receipt for the contracting of private insurance (Accident Insurance for university students CONFIDE), which can be contracted through the website:
5. Evaluation
6. Credits
- Curricular Internships
Once the internship is completed and evaluated with the corresponding grade, it will be included in your academic record.
- Extracurricular Internships
These internships do not have academic recognition in the student's record, but they will be reflected in the SET (Supplement to the European Diploma)
As compensation for the internship, the organization agrees to directly pay the student an amount as a scholarship or study grant, which is determined at the time of signing the agreement. This amount will be at least €10 gross per hour for undergraduate students and €11 gross per hour for master's students, and it will be paid monthly.
A withholding for income tax (IRPF) must be applied to the study grant received by the intern, as determined by current tax and labor regulations. Please consult the website of the Tax Agency.
National Regulations
- BOE núm. 184, July 30, 2014. Publication of Royal Decree 592/2014, July 11, regulating external academic internships for university students
- Royal Decree 1493/2011, October 24, regulating the terms and conditions for inclusion in the General Social Security System of persons participating in training programs.
- Royal Decree-law 8/2014, July 4, on "Urgent measures for growth, competitiveness, and efficiency." The twenty-fifth additional provision deals with the reduction in Social Security contributions for curricular internships of university students.
UPC Regulations
- Regulations on External Academic Internships at UPC, Agreement CG/2022/05/13, July 5, 2022, of the Governing Council, approving the modification of the Regulations on external academic internships at UPC.
ETSETB Regulations
Specific Regulations for the Bachelor's Degree in Data Science and Engineering
- Regulations on External Academic Internships for the Bachelor's Degree in Data Science and Engineering, approved by the Permanent Commission of ETSETB, dated July 8, 2019.
- Modification of the Regulations for External Internships for the Bachelor's Degree in Data Science and Engineering, approved by the Permanent Commission of ETSETB, dated October 20, 2020.
Information Session Video
November 2021