
Històric anterior 2020

06/09/2017 de 11:00 a 14:00 Multimedia room (b3 building, close to Plaza Telecos),

Documents to provide and collect. Information about Telecom Barcelona School Guided tour through the UPC

13/02/2018 des de 11:00 Multimedia room (b3 building, close to Plaza Telecos),

Welcome meeting. Documents to provide and collect. Information about Telecom Barcelona School Guided tour through the UPC

24/04/2018 de 10:00 a 13:00 Edifici A4 205 - Campus Nord,

El nostre dia a dia està envoltat de situacions que poden posar en perill la integritat de la nostra informació. Mitjançant la simulació d'un atac ens donem l'oportunitat de descobrir diferents accions que es poden dur a terme per protegir les organitzacions.

09/10/2018 de 13:00 a 14:30 Sala Àgora - Campus Nord,

Saps que al nord de Bèlgica, en una regió anomenada Flandes hi ha moltes possibilitats d’ocupació en enginyeria i informàtica?

15/03/2018 de 10:45 a 12:45 Sala de Teleensenyament - Edifici B3,

Es presentarà informació sobre les convocatòria de beques, programes de mobilitat i possibilitats de finançament de projectes d’investigació a Alemanya. A càrrec del Sr. Marc Reznicek, director del Deutscher Akademischer Austrauschdientst (DAAD).

26/09/2018 de 12:00 a 14:00 AULARI A3 A3001−Anfiteatro,

La conferencia se centrará en la evolución de las necesidades de comunicación en el sector de la Automoción, cubriendo aspectos como el vehículo conectado y la conducción asistida. Además, se presentarán las crecientes posibilidades de desarrollo de carrera profesional para titulados de nivel superior del sector de Tecnologías de Comunicación dentro del campo de la Automoción, especialmente en la formación de equipos de innovación, investigación y desarrollo.

22/11/2017 de 11:10 a 13:10 Aula de Teleensenyament - Edifici B3,

Luis Sentis is an Associate Professor in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and co-founder of Apptronik Systems. He received Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and was a La Caixa Foundation Fellow. His B.S. degree is from UPC's ETSETB. He worked in Silicon Valley in the high-tech sector leading R&D projects in clean room automation. In Austin, he leads the Human Centered Robotics Laboratory, an experimental facility focusing on control and embodiment of humanoid robots. He writes extensively and teaches courses in areas related to realtime control of human-centered robots, design of high performance humanoid robots, and safety protocols in robotics. He was awarded the NASA Elite Team Award for his contributions to NASA’s Johnson Space Center Software Robotics and Simulation Division. He has been a speaker in popular events such as SXSW and Hot Science - Cool Talks. Luis is co-chair for the ASTM International Standards Committee of Exoskeletons and Exosuits and serves as an advisor for the UT System Federal Office National Security Advisory Group.

12/12/2018 de 11:15 a 12:15 Sala Multimèdia - Edifici B3 - Campus Nord,

Aquesta xerrada serà impartida per l'empresa ZHILABS fundada per Joan Raventós antic estudiant de l'escola, que representa un cas real d’emprenedoria amb resultats excepcionals.

12/12/2016 de 18:30 a 20:30 Aula de teleensenyament building B3 (first floor),

Open software is becoming an essential part of networking so new paradigms as SDN (Software Defined Networking) or how to program your networks at your will is a great opportunity (and also a big challenge) for all of us.

27/09/2017 de 11:00 a 13:00 Aula Merit (D5-010) Campus Nord, UPC Jordi Girona 1-3 08034 Barcelona,

PyTorch is a Python Deep Learning framework, where we can mainly build Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs or NNs), similarly to what we achieve with TensorFlow, Keras, Theano, Caffe2, and many others. There is, however, a hidden beauty behind PyTorch, and a nice level of simplicity to achieve our Deep Learning goals quickly and effectively.