
Presentació de resultats dels Projectes Avançats en Enginyeria (PAEs) del Q1


En aquesta edició per primer cop, s'han fet PAEs coordinats entre l'ETSETB i la FIB. La presentació va tenir lloc el 25 de gener.

En el setè quadrimestre, l’estudiant ha de cursar l’assignatura de Projecte Avançat d’Enginyeria. En aquesta assignatura, els estudiants desenvolupen al llarg d’un quadrimestre un projecte d’enginyeria complex, que requereix de la col·laboració dins d’un grup de, típicament, entre 6 i 10 estudiants.

Alguns projectes són interdisciplinaris i requereixen coneixements de més d'una menció i/o grau.

A continuació hi trobareu els projectes que han estat presentats.

  1. IoT to Everything: Develop a very cheap device able to interact with an object (thing) and with a smartphone. Proposed by the Wireless Networks research group.
  2. AI Assistant for Meetings: AI-driven assistant who can schedule meetings from e-mail analysis. Proposed by CaixaBank Artificial Intelligence / Cognitive Systems Group. 
  3. PigControl: Smart farming system based on image processing. Proposed by Agropecuària Sant Salvador, SL.
  4. Beating MAC Randomization: Improvement of a system that determines customer behavior at points of sale. Proposed by Foot Analytics.
  5. HP-Next Generation Printers: Optimizing substrate measurements in large format printers. Proposed by Hewlett Packard Large Format Printers Division.
  6. Tera-Health: Development and validation of a Terahertz radar system for biomedical applications. Proposed by the Remote Sensing research group in agreement with Hospital de Sant Joan de Deu.
  7. Smart System for Driver Monitoring. System using sensors that could be integrated in any vehicle. Proposed by Lear Corporation.
  8. Optical Medical Registers Analysis. Optically recognize (OCR) and analyze hospital medical registers to quickly assess the field teams in emergency situations. Proposed by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
  9. BlockChain Based  Event Management System. Develop a software based on BlockChain to manage the return of events to the artists in an agile way. Proposed by Sabis-Banc Sabadell.
  10. IoT application to Interactive Performances. To participate in the design of interactive performances by obtaining feedback from the public. Proposed by La Fura dels Baus.
  11. Distributed Satellite Systems. Design and implement a Distributed Satellite System software emulator for Earth Observation missions. Proposed by the NanoSatLab.
  12. 3Cat-NXT. Continuation in the development of the CubeSat satellites critical subsystems Attitude Determination and Control System. Proposed by the NanoSatLab.