
El Màster en Enginyeria Física s'inaugura el proper curs 2018-2019


El màster en Enginyeria Física s'impartirà íntegrament en anglès

Structure of the master program

  • The master program comprises 23 ECTS of common subjects, 20 ECTS of elective subjects and a master thesis of 17 ECTS.

  • Elective subjects can be chosen between Physics and Engineering.

  • Find here the list of elective subjects in Physics.

  • Elective subjects in Engineering up to 12 ECTS can be chosen from the offer of all masters offered by UPC. Find here an indicative list of elective subjects in Engineering.


Fall semester

Critical phenomena and complexity
(5 ECTS)
Quantum Matter 
(5 ECTS)
Surface engineering and microdevices
(5 ECTS)
Large facilities: synchrotron and neutron sources
(5 ECTS)
Project management
(3 ECTS)
Elective subjects
(7 ECTS)
Spring semester Elective subjects
(13 ECTS)
Master thesis
(17 ECTS)