
Xerrada 'From Catalonia to America: hints for a success story' de Cristian Canton, ex-alumne - 28 febrer


Divendres 28 de febrer a les 11 h  l'aula de Teleensenyament (edifici B3, 1a planta) acollirà la  xerrada 'From Catalonia to America: hints for a success story' a càrrec de Cristian Canton,  és ex-alumne de l'Escola i cap del Al Red Team a Facebook Seattle. En ella explicarà com poder fer carrera als Estats Units d'Amèrica.  

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"From Catalonia to America: hints for a success story"

In this talk, the speaker will deliver some advice on how to navigate the process that goes from a great PhD into a successful professional career out of academia. From start-ups to big corporations, covering different experiences form the speaker career that may be of interest. Q&A will be held at the end.

Short bio: 
Cristian Canton is the head of the AI Red Team at Facebook, a specialized task force devoted to uncover, understand and mitigate threats related to AI and define AI-driven worst case scenarios for the company, specially related with misinformation and elections interference. Within Facebook, he previously managed other teams related with the detection of objectionable and harmful content domain (i.e. terrorism, child pornography, etc.). From 2012-16, he was at Microsoft Research in Redmond (USA) and Cambridge (UK) where he worked on large scale Computer Vision and machine learning problems; from 2009-2012, he was at Vicon (Oxford), bringing CV to produce visual effects for the cinema industry. He got his PhD and MS from Technical University of Catalonia (Barcelona) and his MS Thesis from EPFL (Switzerland) on computer vision topics.