


SEAT and ALTRAN, together with the Centre for Innovation and Technology UPC through the CARNET project, presented "hackathon mobility BCN", an event for those who are interested in automotive, mobility, applications ... Up to 110 participants gathered at the North Campus will receive training and present their projects in a new format hackathon unprecedented in Spain. Up to € 6,000 in prizes for the winners!


Campus Nord, Barcelona.

The first day (11th March, 2017) all participants will meet in "Sala d'Actes", Edifici Vèrtex.
The second and the third day (18th and 19th March, 2017) all participants will meet in "Aula Máster and Aula Àgora", Campus Nord.
For more information, read our agenda.


You have to meet these requirements: You have to be at least 18 years old during the days of the event. You have to be a college student. Registration starts 20th February, 2017 and ends 8th March, 2017.

You have to apply as an individual in our website.

During the first day events (11th March, 2017) you we'll have to register as a team (4-6 members). Then, you will have to fill a PDF form explaining at least two ideas of projects you want to develop in our hackathon. An exemple is avaible here.

For further information, read our rules and terms.
