
IBEC is looking for candidates to apply for master fellowships in the IBEC Master Programme for 2017.


The IBEC Master Programme offers 10 fellowships with a monthly stipend of 550€ gross from January to June 2018 for fellows to perform their master thesis at IBEC. The minimum hours to be dedicated are 20h/week.

IBEC has launched its Master Programme to encourage students to begin a research career in our multidisciplinary research institute. The fellows will carry out research in one of IBEC’s research groups in Barcelona.

The IBEC Master Programme offers 10 fellowships with a monthly stipend of 550€ gross from January to June 2018 for fellows to perform their master thesis at IBEC. The minimum hours to be dedicated are 20h/week.

IBEC will also provide master students with complementary training opportunities.
Important dates:

From 1st June 2017 to 30th September 2017, an online application form will be available here. In your application, you will be able to choose up to two research groups you would be willing to join.

From 1st to 15th October 2017 applications will be eligibility checked by Human Resources.

From October 16th to November 5th, applications will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of IBEC group leaders and administration staff.

At the end of November, offers will be made to the successful candidates.

IBEC master fellows should expect to take up their positions in January 2018.

Application Deadline: The registration form must be submitted before the deadline of September, 30th 2017 (Open 1st June 2017) here.

Further information at, or contact

Download the complete call here.


Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) | Baldiri Reixac 10-12 | 08028 Barcelona | +34 934 039 706
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