
Master School on New Frontiers in Optical Trapping and Optical Manipulation


Nearly 40 years after the seminal work by Arthur Ashkin, Optical trapping and manipulation has become a transversal enabling tool involved in many aspects of Science, from fundamental Physics to Biology. This new edition of the ICFO School on the Frontiers of Light, will introduce the students to the physics of optical forces and the principal current trends in the field, including statistical physics, opto-mechanics, biophysics and soft matter. The school agenda includes pedagogical lectures on selected topics, research seminars, group discussion sessions, and lab tours and is ideally designed for master-level students and beginners in the field. The school will be complemented by a one-day symposium which will bring together worldwide experts from different communities who will present some of the main emerging trends.

Deadline for Applications: Friday 28 April 2017

The school will include 4 days of lectures from 3-6 July, followed by a scientific symposium on Friday 7 July with invited talks from leading international researchers.

Lecturers & Topics:

  -  Lukas Novotny (ETH Zürich): Optomechanics
  -  Erwin J.G. Peterman (VU Amsterdam): Biophysics
  -  Juan M.R. Parrondo (Complutense University of Madrid): Statistical Physics
  -  Giovanni Volpe (University of Gothenburg): Basics of Optical trapping & Applications of optical tweezers on Soft Matter
   - Raúl A. Rica (University of Granada): New trapping techniques

ICFO Schools on the Frontiers of Light aim at giving talented young researchers masters students worldwide a first introduction to a thematic research area and their first taste of an international research environment. These schools incorporate a dynamic and social learning environment beyond participating in lectures, including group discussions, direct interactions with the lecturers, student talks, poster presentations, and visits to labs.

 ICFO Schools are open to a limited number of students, selected on the basis of academic merit.

International Travel Fellowships are available to outstanding applicants from around the world to attend ICFO Schools.

For more information and application details, etc.