
Participe at HACKSTART - 22 may


A Hackers@UPC event that wants to connect startups with students reversing the traditional dynamic of recruitment for fast-paced startups in one of the best regions in Europe, Barcelona.

HackStart reverses the traditional dynamic of recruitment for fast-paced startups in Barcelona area. We bring 15 of Barcelona’s best growth-stage companies and 75 of UPC's students to the Sala Agora for a pitch and networking event designed to connect motivated UPC students with the startup community. 

Flipping the traditional career fair on it’s head, we start with a 1-hour pitch session where each startup will get the chance to pitch their company to students. We then have a networking event where the students can meet the companies they like best. The result is an environment that facilitates relationships between the innovative companies and talent they need to make their vision a reality.

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