Conferències del prof. Massimiliano Porreca - 13 de Març
De la mà del grup de recerca NanoSat Lab el professor Massimiliano Porreca de la Universitat de Perugia realitzarà les conferències:
Coseismic ground deformation of the 2016 central Italy earthquake from DInSAR data.
Research activities in the framework of UniPG (University of Perugia) and ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) cooperation: planets, cosmic radiation, and CubeSats.
Professor Massimiliano Porreca
- 13 de Març
- Aula de Teleensenyament
- Coseismic ground deformation of the 2016 central Italy earthquake from DInSAR data, de 10h a 11h
- Research activities in the framework of UniPG (University of Perugia) and ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) cooperation: planets, cosmic radiation, and CubeSats, d'11h a 12h