
Seminar What is MAPPO? - May 19


In the framework of the EIT Urban Mobility Project 4I4U, next Thursday May 19th at 5pm will give a seminar What is MAPPO? (MAP+APP+POllution)

The idea comes from a group of 10 final year undergraduate students in the area of Telecommunication Engineering, not related to urban mobility, automotive or environmental studies that were proposed a challenge to develop a product/service related to urban mobility and the environment in the city with the following requirements:


• To estimate the exposure to pollutants while moving around the city in their daily life, especially when going to school;
• To raise awareness among young people aged 15-23 about the equivalent carbon footprint caused by the means of transport they use;
• Finally, to use knowledge from their own studies as a way of seeing that urban mobility is a cross-cutting field to which many different fields of knowledge can contribute.

Currently, the students are in the last period to develop MAPPO and would like to present their solution and receive feedback from other students, teachers, high school students and citizens in general to improve their solution.


Seminar What is MAPPO?

May 19, 5 p.m.Aulari A2

Room A2-201 Campus Nord UPC,  C/ Jordi Girona 1-3 08034 Barcelona