
Seminari sobre "Optical Frequency Combs" - 17 de juliol


El proper dimarts 17 de Juliol Nikola Alic, investigador del California Institute for Telecommunication, farà un seminari sobre "Optical Frequency Combs", a les 12h al D5-002

Abstract: It has been only a recent development that high quality optical frequency combs covering the full C- + L-band telecom region have become possible. This talk will cover aspects of parametric frequency combs generation as well as applications involving parametric combs by the Photonics Systems Group from UCSD, with cancellation of nonlinear interactions in fiber propagation representing the recent most prominent such example.

Bio: Dr Alic received the MS and PhD degrees in Photonics from the University of California San Diego, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2001 and 2006, respectively. He is currently serving as a research scientist at the California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies (CALIT2). Dr Alic's research interests include equalization and coding theory in optical communications; high-speed transmission, detection theory, fiber optic parametric amplifiers and all-optical signal processing. Dr Alic has been a co-author of more than 100 peer reviewed journal publications and has served on Technical Program Committees of OFC, FiO, IPC, as well as IEEE Topical Meetings, in addition to being involved with the editorship of the Journal of Lightwave Technology and Optics Express.

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