
Tuenti Challenge 6: Convocatòria oberta on els estudiants han de resoldre problemes a través de la programació


Des de Tuenti conviden als estudiants a participar en aquesta convocatòria en la qual hauran d'anar superant reptes i, els finalistes, podran col.laborar amb els seus enginyers, participar en tallers i guanyar premis.

Per a més informació:

Registration opens on March 11th

You can sign up at

8 days, You can sign up at 20 challenges, little sleep and many lines of code. Join us?

#Phase 1

You have from April 25th to May 3rd to solve our challenges!

#Phase 2

Only the best will make it to the finals at the .Tuenti offices. You'll have the opportunity to spend a day working alongside our engineers, participate in incredible workshops and win awesome prizes. And if you’re really good, you might end up working at .Tuenti! Registration opens on March 11th You can sign up at