
Vols fer un Internship a Cisco Systems (San Jose, Silicon Valley, California)?


Vine a la xerrada informativa el proper dimecres 2 de novembre a les 12h a la Sala d'Actes de la Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona - FIB (Edifici B6). Serà una breu presentació per tant es prega puntualitat.

Cisco Systems (San Jose, California) ofereix internships a Cisco durant 1 any.  Podràs viure l´experiència "Silycon Valley" en una de les empreses punteres del sector tecnològic, conviure amb altres interns d'arreu del món i aprendre de les ments més brillants de Cisco.

Si no pots venir envia el teu Curriculum i Expedient Acadèmic a com a molt tard el 4 de Novembre de 2016 (SHARP DEADLINE).

Informació detallada


- Learn from Cisco’s brightest minds
- Work on some of the coolest new tech in the industry
- Live, work, and play with the best students from around the globe
- Paid travel and Visa costs
- Sponsored cultural and social activities • Salary and housing (including utilities, furniture, & amenities)?
- Experience vibrant international student culture and explore the San Francisco Bay Area with fellow interns


To apply for a CIIP internship, target candidates should be:

- Pursuing a relevant undergraduate • degree, and have 1-year of additional schooling to complete, post-CIIP
- Able to obtain, or have, a passport valid for the duration of the internship Available to live and work in the U.S. for 12 months?
- Willing to undergo the J-1 Visa obtainment process
- Demonstrating academic proficiency
- Fluent in English