
Xerrada informativa per treballar a Flandes - 9 d'octubre


Saps que al nord de Bèlgica, en una regió anomenada Flandes hi ha moltes possibilitats d’ocupació en enginyeria i informàtica?

Dimarts 9 d’octubre a les 13.00 h
Sala Àgora – Campus Nord
c. Jordi Girona, 1-3 (08034) Barcelona

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Si t’interessa saber més sobre Flandes i les seves oportunitats laborals, vine al taller “WORK IN FLANDERS”

(No cal tenir coneixements de francès però sí d’anglès)

Impartit per assessors/es EURES de Flandes


Work in Flanders: the home of your new career…

Did you know that in the Northern area of Belgium there are various opportunities to work in an innovative and tech based environment?

Flanders is looking out for professionals with experience and/or know how regarding engineering and ICT to join multiple companies in need of staff.

Would you consider a new career in Belgium, Flanders? Do you have an engineering and/or ICT background?
In a short overview on social organisation, paperwork, security, background, application tips and labour facts we’d like to present you an overall insight to this exciting opportunity.

Welcome to Work in Flanders! The future is out THERE!.

Organitza: UPC Alumni, SOC Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya i Xarxa Eures