
Xerrada 'Navigating the 6G Landscape: A Hexa-X-II perspective' - 28 de Maig


Us convidem a la xerrada 'Navigating the 6G Landscape: A Hexa-X-II perspective' a càrrec del Dr. Akshay Jain de Nokia Bell Labs (Espoo, Finlàndia), investigador clau en el projecte Hexa-X-II, considerat el projecte "buc insígnia" de 6G a Europa. Tindrà lloc dimarts dia 28 de Maig a les 15h a la sala C6-E106 del Campus Nord.  

Abstract: The evolution towards 6G networks necessitates groundbreaking advancements in communication technologies. This talk explores two pivotal areas: AI-native physical layer methods and sub-THz communications. AI-native physical layers leverage machine learning to optimize signal processing and resource management, enhancing network efficiency and resilience. Sub-THz communications promise ultra-high data rates and low latency, crucial for applications like immersive VR and real-time analytics. Together, these innovations will shape the future landscape of 6G networks, driving unparalleled connectivity and performance. More info at:

Bio: Dr. Akshay Jain is a research scientist at Nokia Bell Labs. He received his Masters from University of Florida and PhD from UPC BarcelonaTECH, Spain. He has been an author of 20+ articles in reputed peer-reviewed journals and conferences, as well as with several granted and filed patent applications. He currently serves as a reviewer and TPC member for top-tier conferences and journals. The main areas of scientific interests for Dr. Jain are Physical Layer security, ML/AI algorithms for MAC/RRM procedures in 5G and beyond networks, optimization, wireless communications.

'Navigating the 6G Landscape: A Hexa-X-II perspective'