Mobility Modalities

Information about Double Degree, Bachelor's Thesis (TFG), and Master's Thesis (TFM) at universities and companies. The requirements to meet and the institutions offering positions.


Bachelor's and Master's Theses at Universities

Completion of the Bachelor's Thesis (TFG) / Master's Thesis (TFM) at a foreign school. The reading and evaluation are usually done at the host institution and are recognized at our school.

  • Duration of the stay: Dependent on the agreement.

  • Call: To leave in either the spring or fall semester.

  • Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering: 180 approved ECTS credits
  • Physical Engineering: 180 approved ECTS credits
  • Master's in Telecommunication Engineering (MET) and Master's in Electronic Engineering (MEE): 60 approved ECTS credits
  • Master's in Photonics: 30 approved ECTS credits

Check the universities
Universities with which we have agreements


Bachelor's and Master's Theses at Companies

The reading and evaluation are done at our school.

  • Duration of the stay: 6 months.

  • Call: Spring or fall semester.

  • Erasmus Training: Students who do their Bachelor's/Master's Thesis at a European company can apply for Erasmus Training support.

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Last projects offered by companies


Double Degree (DD)

Completion of courses and Bachelor's/Master's Thesis at a foreign school. This modality entitles the recognition of both degrees (from ETSETB and the host school).

DURATION OF THE STAY: Dependent on the agreement.

CALL: To leave in either the spring or fall semester.

Check the universities
Universities with which we have agreements