MPHOTON Graduation Ceremony
The Graduation ceremony of the 2022/23 Master in Photonics (MPHOTON) course will take place on July 25, at 6 p.m. in the Telelearning Room, on the 1st floor of the B3 building of the North Campus of the UPC). We appreciate the commitment and effort of all the new graduates!
Order of the act
- Institutional parliaments of director Alba Pagès-Zamora, Crina Cojocaru and Carlos Abellán.
- Conference of the event "From Photonics to the Futbol Club Barcelona" will be given by Jordi Mompart, Futbol Club Barcelona and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- Intervention of undergraduate students.
- Delivery of diplomas to the new promotion of the Master in Photonics.
