


The CAGEF must ensure the quality and proper development of the Bachelor's Degree in Physics Engineering (GEF) and is responsible for the degree's management in tasks entrusted to it by the School Board, the Permanent Commission, and the director of the ETSETB.


The functions of CAGEF are:
a) Ensure the quality and proper development of GEF studies.
b) Propose modifications to the GEF curriculum to the School Board.
c) Develop the regulations in its area established by the different governing bodies of the School, as well as make necessary proposals and present them to the School Board or the Permanent Commission for debate and approval.
d) Propose the teaching assignment for GEF in coordination with the departments.
e) Propose the professors responsible for GEF's subjects and those who teach them.
f) Review the teaching guides of GEF's subjects and propose modifications, presenting them to the Permanent Commission for debate and approval.
g) Ensure the proper coordination of teaching activities in GEF.
h) Propose the academic calendar, exam schedule, and the schedule for the Final Degree Project, as well as class schedules, in coordination with the School's Study Management Unit.
i) Convey to the director of the School the budgetary and investment needs of GEF.
j) Promote stays in external entities and international mobility of GEF students, as well as promote necessary agreements with national and international entities.
k) Foster relationships with alumni of GEF.
l) Promote promotional actions for GEF.
m) All actions associated with the degree indicated in the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ) of the School.
n) All other functions entrusted by the Board, the Permanent Commission, or the Director of the School.
o) Anything that can contribute to the proper fulfillment of its objectives and is not within the competence of a governing body of the School.


CAGEF is composed of:
a) The coordinator of GEF, appointed by the directors of the School and the Department of Physics (DFIS), who will preside over it.
b) The head of studies of GEF.
c) The director of the School, or the person appointed.
d) The director of the DFIS, or the person appointed.
e) A representative of the DFIS agreed upon between the president of CAGEF and the directors of the DFIS and the School.
f) A representative of each of the other departments with more than 10% of teaching in GEF, agreed upon by the professors of the department with teaching in the degree, proposed by the president of CAGEF after consulting the directors of the departments and the School.
g) A representative of the students elected from among the GEF class delegates, renewed annually.
The Commission will choose a secretary from among its members.

Mandate and Renewal

The mandate of CAGEF ends with the mandate of the director of the School, except in the cases indicated below:
a) The mandate of the director of the DFIS, or the person appointed, is renewed with the mandate of the director of the DFIS.
b) The representative of the students is renewed annually at the beginning of each academic year.

Current Members

Natural Members

a) Josep Luís Tamarit Mur

b) Quim Trullàs Simó

c) Alba Pagès-Zamora

d) Jordi Boronat Medico



Elected Members

e) Joaquim Trullàs Simó

f) Manel Domínguez Pumar (Dept. Electronic Engineering)

    Carles Batlle Arnau (Dept. Mathematics)

    Antonio Pascual Iserte (Dept. Signal Theory and Communications)

g) Fernando Muñoz Puente