


The curriculum of the Bachelor's Degree in Physics Engineering (GEF) is structured into three curricular blocks:
1. Initial Phase of 1st, consisting of the 60 credits of the 10 subjects of the 1st year.
2. Mandatory Phase of 2nd, consisting of the 60 credits of the 10 subjects of the 2nd year.
3. Mandatory Phase of 3rd, consisting of the 60 credits of the 10 subjects of the 3rd year.
The commission responsible for the curricular evaluation of these blocks is the CAC of the ETSETB, after consulting the CCAC-GEF.


The functions of CCAC-GEF are:
a) Advise the CAC of the ETSETB on the curricular evaluation of the 3 blocks of GEF in accordance with the UPC regulations.
b) Determine which students are affected by the retention regulations established in the Academic Regulations of the UPC and inform the CAC of the ETSETB for its application if necessary.
c) Supervise the tutoring process for students with insufficient performance.



CCAC-GEF is composed of:
a) The head of studies of GEF, who will preside over it.
b) The coordinator of GEF.
c) The director of the School, or the person appointed.
d) The director of the Department of Physics (DFIS), or the person appointed.
e) The head of the Study Management Unit of the ETSETB, or the person appointed, who will act as secretary with voice but without a vote.
f) The ten coordinators of the subjects with more than one subject in the curriculum. These subjects are Mathematics, General Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Bioscience Thermodynamics and Fluid Physics, Quantum Physics and Solid State Physics, Electromagnetism, Electronics, and Experimental Physics and Engineering Projects.
g) A representative of the students who have completed the three curricular blocks of the degree, chosen by the delegates of the four courses of the curriculum, renewed annually.


Mandate and Renewal

The mandate of CCAC-GEF ends with the mandate of the director of the School, except in the cases indicated below:
a) The mandate of the director of the DFIS, or the person appointed, is renewed with the mandate of the director of the DFIS.
b) The representative of the students is renewed annually at the beginning of each academic year.

Current Members

Natural Members

a) Joaquim Trullàs Simó

b) Josep Lluís Tamarit Mur

c) Alba Pagès-Zamora

d) Jordi Boronat Médico

e) Esther Massaguer Pérez

Elected Members

f) Carles Batlle Arnau (Mathematics), Iñaki Iribarren Laco (Chemistry), Àlvar Messeguer Serrano (Computer Science), Blas Echebarria Domínguez (Bioscience), Francisco Marqués Truyol (Thermodynamics, Mechanics, and Fluid Physics), Rossend  Rey Oriol (Quantum Physics and Solid State Physics), Juan Manuel Rius Casals (Electromagnetism), Manuel Domínguez Pumar (Electronics), Oscar Casas Piedrafita (Experimental Physics and Engineering Projects).

g) Sergio Torres Benito