Transversal Areas

Alba Pagès-Zamora - director.etsetb
Tel. +34 93 401 68 32

Academic Secretary
Anna Umbert Juliana - academic.secretary.etsetb
Tel. +34 93 401 67 41

Deputy Director of Students and Promotion
Xavier Muñoz López - deputy.students.etsetb
Tel. +34 93 401 67 41- Office Hours

Deputy Director of Study Planning
Mercè Vall-llosera Ferran - deputy.planning.etsetb
Tel. +34 93 401 67 41

Deputy Director of Quality and Teaching Innovation
Cristóbal Voz Sánchez - deputy.quality.etsetb
Tel. +34 93 401 67 41
Deputy Director of International Relations
Israel Martín Escalona -
Tel. +34 93 401 67 41 / - Office Hours

Deputy Director of Relations with Companies
Francesc Rey Micolau - deputy.companies.etsetb
Tel. +34 93 401 68 32 - Office Hours

Deputy for Teaching Innovation
Ramon Bragós Bardia - deputy.projects.etsetb
Tel. +34 93 401 68 32

Deputy to the Deputy Director of Students
Germán Sáez Moreno - german.saez
Tel. +34 93 401 60 02