Quality Policy and Objectives

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)’s Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering of Barcelona (ETSETB) is aware of the importance of quality and considers it a strategic factor to ensure that graduating students acquire the competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) corresponding to their degree and that these are recognized by employers and society in general.

ETSETB is committed to promoting the strategies necessary to achieve the quality objectives outlined below:

  • Provide training aimed at excellence, ensuring an academic offer according to the needs and expectations of students and the socio-economic environment.

  • Provide adequate support to faculty, administrative and service staff, and students so that they can exercise their competencies satisfactorily.

  • Promote research, management, and knowledge transfer activities among ETSETB staff to contribute to updating academic work according to the evolution of disciplines and advanced research.

  • Promote that the Quality Policy is available to stakeholders and is understood and accepted by all of them.

  • Achieve a commitment to continuous improvement (following the plan -> execute -> evaluate -> improve cycle) and propose and carry out corrective and preventive actions as necessary.

  • Establish a systematic approach and document it to ensure the quality of processes.

  • Ensure that the Internal Quality Assurance System remains valid through its control, review, and improvement.

For all this, the management of ETSETB is committed to dedicating all technical, economic, and human resources at its disposal, always considering its own competencies.