Telecommunications Systems

The speciality of Telecommunications Systems

The specialization of Telecommunication Systems of the Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering substitutes the previous Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Systems Engineering in this university.

In this specialty the knowledge is acquired to conceive, to design, to implement and to operate telecommunication systems that are based on the generation, transmission, reception and processing of electrical signals, acoustic and opticals in all the frequency spectrum, and the treatment of information that is associated to it.
The studies are structured annually in two four-month periods. There are a fall semester (September - January) and a spring semester (February - June).

Compulsory subjects of Telecommunications Systems

The first five semesters of the Degree are common to all the mentions and in them they acquire as much knowledge of basic subjects as the foundations of the different specialties. Thus, in the part of basic and common training there are subjects of content of Telecommunication Systems such as:
    • Signals and Systems
    • Electromagnetic Waves
    • Introduction to Communications
    • Radiation and Propagation
    • Processing of Audiovisual Signal and Communications
The student does not have to decide which specialty he wants to take until the sixth semester, when he already has a clear vision of the contents of the four specialties. It is in the last three semesters when the student receives the knowledge of the chosen specialty. These knowledge is given to subjects with a strong practical side. In the case of the mention of Telecommunication Systems, we have the following mandatory subjects are:
    • Advanced Digital Communications
    • Microwaves
    • Antennas
    • Radiocommunications
    • Optical Communications

Advanced Project in Telecommunication Systems Engineering

In the seventh semester, the student must take the subject of Advanced Project of Telecommunication Systems Engineering. In this subject, students develop a complex engineering project during a semester, which requires the collaboration within a group of, typically, between 6 and 10 students. Some examples of the projects that have been developed in the recent years are:
Cours 2016 - 2017
    • Hewlett Packard - Next Generation Printers: Improvement of several features in large-format printer sensors
    • 3Cat-ABS Android Beyond the Stratosphere: Distributed Satellite System
    • 3Cat-NXT Project: Phase A study for a 6U multi-spectral optical mission performed for ICGC
    • 3Cat-NXT Project: Critical subsystem ADCS Attitude Determination and Control System
    • StratoCom - Cost Effective communication payloads in Stratospheric Balloons
    • Associació Catalana per a una Pesca Responsable - GTR Tuna Tracker
    • Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona - Low-cost, robust, autonomous blood-pressure measurement system for developing areas
Cours 2015 - 2016
    • WirED - FTTH/LTE access network: Complete Design of the future access network of Manresa area/li>
    • WirED - FTTH/LTE access network: Complete Design of the future access network of El Vendrell area
    • Hewlett Packard - Next Generation Printers: Improvement of several features in large-format printer sensors
    • 3Cat-ABS Android Beyond the Stratosphere: assess the viability of developing a satellite using commercial mobile phone elements
    • 3Cat-NXT Project: Phase A study for a 6U multi-spectral optical mission performed for ICGC
    • 3Cat-NXT Project: Finalize ground receiving station (hardware and software). Improve performance and perform tests for 3Cat-1 and 2
    • RADiCal: High Resolution Imaging Radar Systems and services Advanced Engineering Project Sky Detection Security
    • RADiCal: High Resolution Imaging Radar Systems and services. System for Slope Stability Retrieval
    • HealZ: Products based on the use of physiological information obtained from body electrical impedance processed and presented in a Smartphone

Optional subjects of Telecommunication Systems

In addition, the student can also study a broad set of optional subjects optionals and seminars belonging to the speciality of Electronic Systems, such as:
    • Pattern classification: Applications in signal processing
    • Design of Radioreceptors
    • Laboratory of Mobile Communications
    • Laser
    • Digital Signal Processing in Real Time
    • Radar
    • Earth Observation Systems and Remote Sensing
    • Telecommunications Fiber Optic Systems for the Internet (IP About Wdm)
    • Systems and Radio Devices
    • Space Telecommunication
    • Cognitive Radio

Business internships

The student can also make the optional credits of the specialty through business internships. In this area, ETSETB manages a large number of agreements (371 in the 2013-2014 academic year) with a large number of companies in the ICT sector itself, as well as other sectors that require our students and graduates, given the transversality of the ICT field. Some examples of companies in the field of Telecommunication Systems that our students regularly receive are:
    • INDRA Sistemas, S.A.
    • Vodafone
    • Hewlett Packard Española, S.L.
    • MIER Comunicaciones, S.A.
    • Marítima del Mediterráneo, S.A.

Bachelor's Thesis

Finally, the student has to complete the Bachelor's Thesis that consists of an original and personal work in the field of the specialty. It is at this moment when, mainly, our students take advantage of the strong international side in such a way that many of them carry out their end of degree project at universities, research centers or companies from all over the world. In this document you have the list of final degree Projects done in context of Telecommunication Systems.

Summary of the curriculum of the mention of Electronic Systems (teaching guide)

You can check the tables of prerequisites, co-requisites and pre-co-requisites in the following links:

Examples of professional outings of our recent graduates

Masters after the Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering: Electronic Systems

The training received by our students in the Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering has a part of the basic contents of engineering and global training in the field of Telecommunications, which is joint and independent of the specialty, and that assures the versatility of future professionals. In addition, it also ensures that our students can continue their training successfully in a large set of masters offered in our territory and around the world. Within the UPC, the most closely masters offered related to this degree are the following:

  • Master in Telecommunication Engineering: One of the advantages of the new Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering is that, regardless of the specialty you have done, the admission to Master in Telecommunication Engineering is the same. This master's degree enables the exercise of the profession of Telecommunication Engineer and gives an updated and analogous training to which the School has been offering in recent years. In addition, the Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering can be used in the Double Degree course with several European universities.
  • Master in Electronic Engineering: This master's degree offers graduates with a broad profile that includes skills and knowledge in power, analog and RF electronics, instrumentation, sensors, digital systems, microinanotechnologies and microelectronics.