
FAQs Master's Pre-enrolment

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions regarding the Master's Preenrolment process.

A)Only for UPC BACHELOR students that have exclusively the Bachelor Thesis pending will be authorize to enroll according to the UPC regulation: The modification of the ETSETB masters ‘regulation (the Point 1.2. Access to the master's degree studies of the NAGRAMA establishes that “The center responsible for the degree may define additional conditions on the credits pending, or not allow access” ) establishes that it will only be allowed to enroll the Bachelor’s UPC students (on the days established for each semester without the need for a place reservation) if the only remaining ETCS to pass are exclusively those of the bachelor thesis (TFG) and only if the student can prove that the BACHELOR Thesis is correctly enrolled. All the other ECTS have to appear officially passed in your academic transcript in order to be allowed to enroll. B) In view of the exceptional circumstances for those students not graduated in the UPC, the necessary means will be enabled so that the readings in September and October can begin the master's degree by requesting and paying the Place Reservation fees in the event of the day of registration they are not yet graduated, but won't be authorized to enrol.

Students that present their bachelor final thesis after enrolment date:

  • These students must contact their tutor to inform of this situation and determine the subjects they will follow.
  • Request E-SECRETARIA a “Reserva de Plaça /Place Reservation” until they enroll, otherwise their place will be given to those candidates in the waiting list.
  • Will be allowed to enroll later (loosing the ranking enrolment order: with no right to reserve places in any specific subject or groups) but October 31 at the latest!
  • They must proved that they have paid the fees for the issuing of the Bachelor’s diploma. Otherwise they won’t be able to enroll.

By the end of July for autumn semester or by the end of January for spring semester, you will be notified of the Admission resolution publication. Together with this official resolution, we will publish the information related to the enrolment procedures in this link:

We require you to enroll IN PERSON one week prior to the classes start.

Approximately, you should plan to be here the first week of September for Fall Semester or the first week of February for the Spring Semester.

The UPC offers several ORIENTATION WEEK events to all the international students. There will be different editions we recommend you to choose the edition before the enrolment dates.

Further details about the Orientation Week can be found in this website, following next link:

For any question or doubt, please do not hesitate to contact the International Students Office (OMI):

E-mail: (please write "Orientation week" or "OW" in the e-mail subject).

Phone: +34 93 401 69 37

Once you accept one Master this will be charged to the system so you will not be able to accept another Master.

We strongly recommend you to wait for the others master application´s feedback and decide which one is suitable for you before accepting one.

Please see the following FAQ : Is there a deadline for accepting or rejecting the master's admission?

Yes, there is a deadline for accepting or rejecting the master's admission. The latest an admitted student can accept the place is July 21th

The deadlines are displayed on the Master's Academic Management Calendar: be careful to consult the semesters you are applying Spring or Autumn.

IMPORTANT for those Student coming from abroad:

We would appreciate it if you accept or reject it as soon as possible since:

  • If you accept, this will allow us to invite you to our academic system, generating your profile in E-SECRETARIA and the 300 € fee of advance on account of the first enrolment. Only when have received the payment confirmation, we will be allowed to send you the ADMISSION LETTER that foreign students need in order to request the VISA to be legally allowed in Spain.
  • If you finally decide not to enroll, please let us know by NOT ACCEPTING the granted place in the application site. This way we can offer the opportunity to other students in the waiting list. Thanks for your consideration

We strongly recommend you to accept the granted place especially because you can always REQUEST a POSTPONEMENT FOR 1 OR 2 SEMESTERS in order to keep your given place and not losing any of the amounts paid in the admission procedures. This procedure has a 90 € fee which allows you to keep your place for next semester.

If you need to postpone your entrance, you need to follow these instructions: first accept the admission, pay the 300 € of the "advance on account of the first enrolment" and request, trough E-SECRETARIA, the deferring for one or two semesters paying the approximately 90 € fee.

NO, no refund will be made. You will lose all the rights on the given place. You will need to restart all the admission procedures again if you wish to be admitted at a later semester or year. Here you have all the information about tuition and fees for master’s programs

The documents to be uploaded will depend on where the students have earned their degree or completed the course that qualifies them to enroll in the master's degree. You can find all the required information for the pre-enrolment in the following link:

You will be sent a password to log into the application. Log in and enter your personal and academic details and upload the required documentation.

Once you have entered the details and uploaded the documents, submit the online application form for administrative and academic review. If you would like to pre-enrol in more than one master's degree course, you do not need to re-enter the details you have already provided.

You should just “copy details” and the address will be filled in automatically. Once you are admitted as soon as you have your fixed, “Address during academic year" you will be able to update it.

Once enrolled we recommend to update your personal details previously to request your UPC card.

The general academic access requirements are:

1. An official Spanish university qualification or an official university qualification issued by a university in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that qualifies the holder for admission to a master's degree.

2. A qualification issued by a university in a country that is not in the EHEA. If the qualification has not been homologated, the UPC will verify that the course of study corresponds to a level of education equivalent to an official Spanish university degree and that the qualification obtained would provide admission to a master’s degree in the country in which it was awarded. This access route in no way implies the homologation of the qualification or its recognition for any purpose other than admission to the master's degree. The master's degree will, however, be fully and legally valid.

In addition to these general access requirements, which apply to all master's degree courses, specific admission requirements may be set for each programme. Take a look at the following link:

There is no an established minimum grade required: It depends on the master’s degree and the overall requests over the places available.

The Admission Committee will evaluate each one of the candidates, which will be informed of their provisional admission status trough the admissions application for master's degree courses.

Yes, you can apply but only if you can prove with your transcript of records that it is possible for you to finish your Bachelor’s degree before enrolment one week prior of the master starts.

The Commission of the Masters evaluate all requests by considering the compatibility of the candidate’s previous degree with the master, as well as the academic certificate. The provisional admission status, is not binding, while the student does not meet the academic requirements and submits original and copy or authenticated copy of all the required enrolment documents.

Only those candidates that have their bachelors’ degree Tittle or have already paid the taxes for the Bachelor degree Title will be authorized to enroll.

Bachelor's degree students who have not completed their degree because they have not yet defended their bachelor's thesis may be granted conditional admission. They will be admitted definitively only if they have been awarded the bachelor's degree before October 31 for Fall Semester and February 28 for Spring Semester. These students may enroll later than the deadline set by the school only if they have paid the 90 € tax of the enrolment deferral.

We will publish the results on our website at the end of July for Autumn Semester and the end of January for Spring Semester.

Exceptionally if requested, because you need the Admission letter for the VISA procedures deadlines or Scholarship application, we may consider evaluating your admission if you have correctly uploaded all the information. The admission committee will evaluate your request and we will try to inform you as soon as possible.

If the admission committee has positively evaluated your application you will be admitted. Next, you must accept it through this online pre-enrolment application and pay € 300 in accordance with the instructions you will receive by email (This amount will be deducted from the total tuition once you register).

The original official letter of admission, usually necessary in the applying Visa procedures, will be sent to you by post ONLY AFTER WE RECEIVED CONFIRMATION OF THE 300 € OF THE ADVANCED PAYMENT OF ADMISSION.

Yes, you can apply to as many masters as you want but the price applies to each pre-enrolment for a master's degree course run by the UPC.

Students who pre-enrol for more than one course must pay a €30,21 pre-enrolment fee for each course. These fees are non-refundable.

After filling your personal data and academic details.

IMPORTANT: Only if the Academic details are correctly fulfilled the “save” and “payment” buttons will appear.

Yes they are. All the subjects of all the masters are in English.

Information on certifying your knowledge of a foreign language at the UPC is available in the following link:

As all the subjects are taught in English, we require at least a level of English equivalent to B 2. Please consult the table of official certificates for meeting the B2 requirement on bachelor’s degrees and gaining admission to master’s degrees. Access the table in the Catalan version of the website

It depends on the master degrees Curriculum. In general, the 60 ECTS masters degrees do not have practices or internships. If the master allows internship here you can find all the information:

It depends on how many ECTS that master is worth and if you are an EU resident or not. Our masters are 60 or 120 ECTS worth and you can find the prices of the ECTS here:

UPC Official Master's FEES for the 2021/2022 Academic Year

Our University works with semesters. Each semester you enroll those subjects that you want to course that semester. Therefore, you will only pay for the subjects you do each semester.

Payment options:

Once enrolled you either can pay the full amount in 5 days’ time or you can via instalments.

The instalment options are as follows:

    • For semestral enrolment, 60% of the enrolment fees are paid when you enrol and the remaining 40% are paid in mid-December (enrolment in the first semester) or early April (enrolment in the second semester).
    • For annual enrolment, 40% of the enrolment fees are paid when you enrol, 30% in mid-December and 30% on 1 March.

In Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering, in order to help to request adaptations according to educational needs, for future students or enrolled students, and guide you during your stay at the university please contact:

Sandra Bermejo (

The UPC includes an inclusive area which contact can be found here (in Catalan), but bellow a brief summary:

The student should send an email to with the subject “Sol·licitud de NEE de NEE”, with the following documents:

  • Report of adaptations or educational needs of your university
  • Certificate of disability or detailed and recent psychiatric or psychological or medical report.
  • Other documentation to consider
  • The following details (at the videoconference more details will be asked and a document will be signed for the Data protection):
  1. Student’s name and Surnames and email address
  2. Student’s future UPC school/Faculty (ETSETB)
  3. Observations the student needs to make.


Here you can find all the information related to it:

If you are not Spanish or you have not been paying taxes for working here for an extended period of time, unfortunately it will be very difficult to access to any Spanish scholarship.

However, The Academic Committee of some Masters will award scholarships according to the academic quality parameters of the candidates.

Please consult these options in the specific website of each master’s degree but be aware that availability of grant may vary each academic year and so will its requirements at:

Nevertheless, we strongly recommend you to look at the scholarships your own country’s Government offers.

You can send a request at and then the Master Committee will evaluate your situation.

Yes. We can reject your application if your academic background does not fit the master you want to apply and if you have not submitted the corresponding documentation.

Because the first thing you need to do is fill the DATA PROTECTION INFORMATION RGPD AUTHORISATIONS, otherwise no option will be available for you.