
Open Lectures 2nd Summer School on Deep Learning for Computer Vision - 27 june, 5 pm


This lecture includes two distinguished speakers from the academic and industrial communities: Àgata Lapedriza (UOC) & Elisenda Bou (Vilynx)

When: Tuesday 27 June 2017 at 5pm

Where: Campus Nord UPC, Building B3, Aula de Teleensenyament (2nd floor)

Why: Closing lecture of the 2nd Summer School on Deep Learning for Computer Vision UPC TelecomBCN

RSVP: Please sign up here if you are planning to attend.


5:00pm ACADEMIC TALK: Agata Lapedriza (UOC / MIT)

5:40pm INDUSTRY TALK: Elisenda Bou (Vilynx / UPC)

Short bios:

Agata Lapedriza is an Associate Professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She received her MS deegree in Mathematics at the Universitat de Barcelona in 2003, and her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the Computer Vision Center in 2009, at the Universitat Autonoma Barcelona. She was working as a visiting researcher in the Computer Science and Artificial Lab department at the Massachuetts Institute of Technology from 2012 until 2015. Her research interests are related to image understanding, scene and object recognition and affective computing.

Elisenda  Bou is the co-Founder and CTO of Vilynx, a startup devoted to change the way people consume online videos through machine Learning. Dr Bou is also an associate professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), lead SW Architect at UPC Nano-Satellite Lab (NanoSatLab), and collaborates with the MIT Aero-Astro Dept and the UMD Aerospace Engineering Dept. She was a recipient of the 2013 Google Faculty Research Awards.