
Seminari: Basics of desktop application development in C#


This seminar will give short introduction to object oriented programming in C# and will show you how to work with Windows forms to develop custom desktop applications

Seminari:  Basics of desktop application development in C#

Per a poder assistir a aquest seminari cal que t'inscriguis mitjançant un correu electrònic a, abans del 27 de maig. Places limitades.

L'assistència a aquest seminari donarà dret al reconeixement d'1 crèdit ECTS d'extensió universitària als estudiants de Grau.

Professora: Marina Peko - Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.


Dates i hora del Seminari:

Dilluns 30 de maig: 11-15h

Dimarts 31 de maig: 9-11h

Divendres 3 de juny: 11-13h


Lloc: A2 S104A - Campus Nord. UPC


This seminar will give short introduction to object oriented programming in C# and will show you how to work with Windows forms to develop custom desktop applications. Major topics that will be included: Classes, Objects, Windows Forms, handling exceptions, working with lists, reading and writing to files, multiple forms, simple data access. A workshop  is also planed so students will have the opportunity to develop their first desktop app.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

• Create and populate Windows Forms.

• Organize controls on Windows Forms.

• Create menus in a Windows Forms application.

• Add code to form and control event procedures in a Windows Forms application.

• Use dialogue boxes in Windows Forms applications.

• Validate user input in a Windows Forms application.

• Create and use user controls in a Windows Forms application.