MEE, MET, MATT & MEF Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony of the Master in Telecommunications (MET), Master in Advanced Telecommunication Technologies (MATT), Master in Electronic Engineering (MEE), Master in Physical Engineering (MEF) and Master in Cybersecurity for the 2022/23 academic year will take place on on June 21 at 7:00 p.m., in the Auditorium, Vèrtex building of the UPC North Campus (Plaza Eusebi Güell 6, Barcelona).

Order the act 

  • Opening of the event by the ETSETB director, Alba Pagès-Zamora.
  • Conference: "Quest for Curiosity", by Marta Tolos Rigueiro, ETSETB alumna and currently Global Head of Data Science and Data Engineering at Zurich Insurance.
  • Awarding of diplomas: the academic secretary, Anna Umbert, names the students who will go on stage to collect the diploma handed out by the head of studies of the corresponding master's degree.
  • Closing by the UPC's Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Research Personnel Policy, Miquel Soriano.

The event can be followed live via our YouTube channel UPCTelecos



Graduates in Electronics Engineering Master


Graduates in Telecommunications Engineering Master


Graduates in Advanced Telecommunications Technologies Master


Graduates in Engineering Physics Master


Graduates of Master in Cybersecurity