
MASTER Enrolment. Current students

Enrolment and Academic Procedures Calendars

Previous to the Enrolment

Master students enroll themselves online. To do that, they need to do the following before enrollment:
  • Username and password:The username and password are the same as the ones of Atenea. If you don't remember your password, you can recover it at:
  • Enrolment order assigned: Check at the (Enrolment / Conditions of Enrolment, at the left menu) that you have been assigned an enrolment order (enrollment date must be the one informed below at this page). This order will not be assigned until 1 or 2 working days before enrollment date.
  • System requirements. In order to make sure that you can enrol online, you should check some aspects of your computer: At the, you will have to access the section "enrolment" (left menu) and validate everything explained at the subsection "System requirements". You can enrol at any computer that is connected to Internet if you have checked before that it meets the necessary requirements.
  • Possibility to use school computers. In case your computer does not meet the requirements, you may enrol at the computers in the basement of building B3, the same days and times of enrolment.

Please, read carefully the link below, especially if you want to take a double degree or a mobility stay in the second year, since MTP and the 3 intensification subjects must be passed during first and second semesters.

Classes timetables, exams schedule and regulations are available at: Current course (link). 

To enroll subjects, one week before enrollment period, you will have to send by e-mail the following form, filled out and signed (in all cases except from MET). The forms and the contact units for each master are the following: 

To enroll the Master's thesis, what you need to do before enrollment is:
Only for students that will pay by direct debit or in installments. If you are going to pay by direct debit or in instalments, you need to have a bank account of one of the SEPA countries (list of SEPA counries). Then, you will have to  access; introduce your account number at "bank account" at left menu; print the SEPA order and submit it duly signed on enrollment date. You won't need this document if you are going to pay in one only payment (by Visa or Mastercard through e-secretaria or cash at one of the bank entities that will appear at the enrollment form). This document is only to be submitted once. If you have alredy submitted it on a previous enrolment, you don't need to submit it again. If you have'nt, then you can submit it 2 working days before enrolment.

Deadline and procedure of enrollment

Online enrolment day for current students: 22nd July

The information about the prices is to be found at: Prices (link).

The credit price increases as the subject is repeated (the more times it is repeated the more the price increases).


The period for changes ends on September 23/ February 22. The steps to follow are the following:


  1. Except for MET students, you will need a document signed by your supervisor with the new enrollment proposal (they are listed in the step previous to enrolment, at the beginning of this page).

  2. After having sent that document, you will have to do the request by (procedures > related to enrollment > enrollment change).

Only one change. You are allowed to do only one change request (unless a course ceases to be taught).

Additional fees. Changes after the deadline

If you do the change after the deadline fixed for enrolment changes, you must pay some additional prices and, after this deadline, no reimbursement of fees will be made if the reasons don't justify it (see next paragraph).


  • The UPC regulations establish that the last day for modifications for the Autumn Semester period ends on September 23 and for the Spring semester on February 17.
  • They establish as well that the deadline to request the withdraw of any subjects is October 31 (Autumn semester) or March 31 (Spring Semester). No changes will be allowed beyond those deadlines and all the credits enrolled have to be paid on the established deadlines.

Reasons that give right to the reimbursement of fees after the deadline for enrollment changes

The reasons that justify reimbursement of fees are regulated by the UPC budget, which is available at the following link in Catalan: motius de devolució. They are basically: illness or accident of the student, changes for which the school is responsible and changes in the price of the fees (validation of courses in the same semester where they are enrolled, concession of a scholarship, etc.). 
If you are entitled to reimbursement, you will have to do a formal request at the academic office within the deadlines established.

Reasons that do NOT give right to reimbursement after the deadline for enrollment changes

The following reasons do NOT justify the reimbursementof fees, and if they are not paid, payment will be claimed:
  1. Changes in working hours or starting a new job do NOT justify reimbursement of fees.
  2. Mistakes made by the student in their enrolment do NOT justify reimbursement of fees. 

Procedure to request reimbursement of fees

In order to request for reimbursement of fees, you have to fill in and sign a document in the Academic Office of Building B3. You will also have to submit official documents that demonstrate the reasons cited at your request (official certificate of illness or accident with the date where it started and the period of convalescence, etc.).

Deadline to do the request: In some cases, return is denied if the request is made after one month since registration date, or after some dates stated at the link above. You should do the request as soon as the circumstance takes place.

Compensation of money in the same semester

The price of the credits elliminated will compensate the price of other credits enrolled afterwards in the same semester. If the master is annual, it can be compensated in the same academic year. But remember that, if you do the change after the deadline fixed for enrolment changes, you must pay some additional prices.